Later today in Thunder Run:

Livestream Details
- Livestream starts at 23:00 GMT (4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST)!
- Livestream will be accessible via Macgyver7th’s YouTube and Twitch channels.
- Battlehouse Community Manager will be active in the comments of Macgyver7th’s Livestream to answer player questions and take player feedback.
- Community Manager Note: Macgyver7th is still a n00b and could use your help! Please be patient with him while he navigates his way through his way through the early stages of the game. Do you have a newbie friendly clan that you think might be a good fit for Macgyvert7th? Introduce yourself in the comments
- Do you run a newbie friendly clan that you think might be a good fit for Macgyver7th? Introduce yourself in his Livestream comments and try to recruit him!
See you in the Livestream, Commanders!
TR: Community Livestream Later Today – Macgyver7th, Episode #4