New this week in Thunder Run:

The “Lone Warrior” Boost
Attention, Commanders! Some of you have slogged through the warzones of Gundar alone for so long, and we believe you deserve a little bonus. Introducing, the “Lone Warrior” boost!
Commanders going it alone without alts have their unit space limit, unit repair speed, and battalion travel speed will have a small boost!

Alt-Capping in Alt-Allowed maps
Some maps in the game are being updated with account limits.
- Map 208 is limited to two accounts on the map at the same time
- Map 210 is limited to five accounts on the map at the same time
For now, the remaining alt-permitted maps are not being limited. We are still inviting feedback on reasonable limits and are considering placing a limit of ten accounts on Map 215 for test purposes.
If you’d like to make your voices heard, please head on over to our Discord server, and leave a reply about this message from Nirgal.
EMP Missile upgrades
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 13!

Game improvements
And that’s not all, Commander! We’ve heard your feedback and you are now able to craft your missiles from Weapons Lab easier. Instead of scrolling through the “Weapons” category, there now is a separate category for your missiles.

To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker.
We have some exciting news, announcements, and more waiting for you on our most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!