This weekend in Thunder Run:
Black Friday Week Sales
Hey Commanders! We hope you’re enjoying your Black Friday weekend. To help celebrate, we’re offering 50%-Off a one-time select gold purchase in between November 26th, 2020 to December 3rd, 2020.
Simply login and follow the “Special Offer” prompts to the Gold Menu to take advantage of your offer before the weekend is over. Scoop up that gold while it’s hot!
New Stinger Turret
The Stinger Turret is here, and is now available for deployment to your Turret Platforms.
While unable to hit infantry or vehicles, this long-range FIM-92 Stinger emplacement can make short work of enemy air units!

To unlock it, purchase the Stinger Turret Blueprints from the ONP Store, research the tech in your Weapons Lab, and then Equip the new Weapon to one of your Turret Platforms!
Armed TOC LRAD Upgrades
And that’s not all, commanders! Our engineers just hit another breakthrough for the Armed TOC LRAD! Turn your Tactical Ops Center defensive machine, with the TOC LRAD now being upgradeable to Level 20!
Purchase the blueprint in the ONP Store during an ONP Event week, activate it from your Warehouse, and then click on your TOC followed by “Change Weapon” similar to how you would if you were arming a turret head to a turret emplacement.

To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker.
We have some exciting news, announcements, and more waiting for you on our most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!