New this week in Thunder Run:

Voice of the Commander Updates
We’re celebrating with a quality-of-life update based on your player feedback that’s intended to address a few of the issues and suggestions that you’ve brought forth to us via the “Voice of the Commander” trackers. Don’t see the update you were hoping for in this week’s release? Fear not, as there is still plenty more to come.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Kongregate re-launch date revelead
Thunder Run is going cross-platform! And it all starts with the merger of our long separated Facebook Gaming and Kongregate Thunder Run game worlds. Next Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 around 17:00 GMT, “Thunder Run: War of Clans” on will be taken off of, and a new version of the game titled “Thunder Run: Global Warfare” will go live.
As a reminder: The new version will retire all Kongregate specific game maps, and merge all Kongregate players into the various regional maps that are available on the Facebook version of the game.
- Please note that any browser bookmarks or shortcuts you currently have set for Thunder Run: War of Clans on Kongregate will need to be reset after April 21st as a fresh version of the game (Thunder Run: Global Warfare) will be uploaded to (note: Facebook players are not affected by this update).
- Rest assured, all base progress currently obtained in the current Kongregate Thunder Run: War of Clans game world will carry over to Thunder Run: Global Warfare after the re-launch is complete.
- Think you’ve got what it takes to be the Undisputed Ruler of Gundar? Prove it against the world!
What’s next in the cross-platform project AKA “Project New Horizons”? Check out the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Limits on promotion orders have been removed
Players can now purchase up to 62 Promotion L4 to L5 tokens as long as they have the ONP. This is enough ONP to upgrade every leader to L5.
Elite NIMR’s moonwalking days are over
We’ve received reports of the Elite NIMR occasionally appearing to be firing or driving backwards in certain battle replays. For those who haven’t heard yet, this isn’t a lag/server issue, nor is this a result of players cheating. It was an animation issue, which should now be resolved via some minor tweaks that we made to the unit’s turning behavior. Going forward, it must turn so that it’s within 120 degrees of its target direction before starting to move. Beware that this will reduce it’s maneuverability a bit, but not by a lot since its turn speed is so high.
More Game Improvements
- The TOC12 LRAD now has a visible projectile
- The Upgrade Information bar that lists the benefits of an upgrade has had its scroll buttons fixed.
- The Player Information Statistics tab now supports mouse-wheel scrolling
- For games with more than three rows worth of PvP seasons, the text overlap problem has been fixed and scroll buttons have been added.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!