New this week in Thunder Run:
Level 14 Kiowa, Cobra, and Apache
Heads up, Commander! It’s an aircraft unit upgrade extravaganza! The Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache are here.
As with the recent L14 releases, your Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache will also feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache upgrades require a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward. Good hunting, Commanders!
End of Season 15 Clan Tournament
From September 26th – October 3rd, 2019, rally your Clan and head to the regional map for your chance to be the strongest Clan of Season 15!
Be one of the Top Clans with the most Clan PvP Points to win between 3,000-10,000 Gold, divided evenly among the top 10 members of your clan.
Tournament ends on October 3rd, 2019 at 1700 GMT, at which point winners will be announced, prizes awarded, and leaderboards will be reset for the new season. It’s important to note that you should stay in the same Clan through the end of the tournament and for at least one hour afterward, until at least 1800 GMT to ensure your Clan’s prizes are scored correctly.
Season 16 Opens: October 3rd, 2019
The new season will begin immediately after the end of the tournament. Here are just a couple things you can expect to see in Season 16:
Thunder Run (Season 16):
- Effective now: Mr. Skilling L4 tutorial bases will no longer spawn in 200-series maps, and will spawn in reduced numbers in 600-series maps.
- Effective October 3: TOC L4 will be required to enter 200-series maps. Players below TOC L4 who are currently in a 200-series map should upgrade to TOC L4 soon, or risk being moved to a different map after this update.
- Later: New Unit Equipment sets, and expanded levels for some of your favorite unit types! 🚁
- Later: More Opportunities to Earn Free Loot! 💰
Good hunting, Commanders!