Dear Summoners:
It’s with heavy hearts that we had to say “Goodbye” to Summoner’s Gate on July 31st, 2018.
We’ve truly appreciated everything you’ve contributed to the Summoner’s Gate Community over the last 4+ years. We’ve received many passionate ideas for where to take the game, and the outpouring of thoughtful suggestions is another testament to this incredible community – we’ve loved delivering you a fun experience.
Free Thunder Run Gift (For old Summoner’s Gate Players):

As a reward for being a loyal Summoner’s Gate player, we have a special Thank You gift from Thunder Run: War of Clans Community!
Click here, or on the “Play Now” graphic above to start a game in Thunder Run: War of Clans, and play until you reach Tactical Ops Center Level 3. After you upgrade your TOC to Level 3, click the Contact Support link at the bottom of your game and submit your Thunder Run Player ID number and Summoner’s Gate E-mail Address to us with the subject “Welcome me to Thunder Run!”
Note: To be eligible for this gift, you must have had a Summoner’s Gate account at Castle Level 8 or higher and a Thunder Run account at TOC Level 3 or higher, at the time of your request.
Thank you for playing, and we’ll see you in Thunder Run!
– Battlehouse