Only this week in Thunder Run:
Left-over Ops Needs Points can be traded in for Hardware after the end of this special event.
When the special event store closes this Saturday, June 24 at 1700GMT, any remaining ONP in your Warehouse will automatically convert to “Obsolete ONP” that you can trade in for Hardware, at a ratio of 2 Hardware per ONP.
To perform the trade-in, wait until after the event Store closes on Saturday at 1700 GMT, then click the “Obsolete ONP” item in your Warehouse and choose “Trade All In”.

- Obsolete ONP must be traded in for Hardware before the start of the next event; it cannot be carried over between event weeks.
- This is a one-week-only offer. We will let you know in advance if we plan ONP trade-ins for any future week.
- Hardware storage is limited by your Depot space. Check your Hardware Depots before trading.
Good hunting, Commanders!
ONP Trade-in Offer (This week only!)