New this week in Mars Frontier:
Central Computer Level 8
🎄 Happy Holidays, Martians! 🎄
Valentina and company have been hearing your feedback loud and clear, and we’re ready to celebrate the holidays on Mars with the mega update you’ve all been patiently waiting for. Effective today:
The Central Computer level cap is raised to Level 8, paving the way for new maximum levels for your production, storage, and research buildings!
Upgrade your Robotics Lab to research new max levels for some of your favorite units.
New Unit Level Upgrades
Upon completion of your new Robotics Lab upgrades:
- Mining Droid is now upgradeable to L13.
- Heavy Miner is now upgradeable to L13.
- Blaster Droid is now upgradeable to L13.
- Excavator Droid is now upgradeable to L13.
Turret System Update
The Mars Coalition has made a huge technology breakthrough, and our Turret Systems are ready for an overhaul!
- To update to the new “turret head system”, you’ll have to have at least Central Computer Level 4. Click any turret at your base, followed by the Update System button. This will allow you to build Turret Emplacements with changeable Turret Heads.
- Go to the Defense section in the Build menu to build a Turret Emplacement.
- Each Turret Emplacement has it’s own level, and each Turret Head has its own level independent of the emplacement.
- Click any built / completed Turret Emplacement followed by Change Weapon to build any unlocked Turret Head.
- After clicking Change Weapon, select the unlocked Turret Head that you’d like to build on that Turret Emplacement.
- Note: Currently only the Light Rail Gun, Defensive Cannon, and LRAT Cannon are enabled, but we’ll enable the Radiation Tower and EMP Cannon at a later date.
Game Improvements
And that’s not all! We’ve also made some improvements to the settings menu interface!
- The settings menu is now scrollable, allowing for more player preference options.
- A new setting option now gives players the ability to toggle the mousewheel scrolling behavior for in-game chat, and regional map zooming.
- Soon more setting options will be added that allow players to toggle screen shaking effects, and in-game chat window orientation. Stay tuned!

For a more in-depth guide of the Turret Emplacement system featured in another Battlehouse game, head on over to the Battlehouse Forums.
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “mars-frontier” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Good hunting, Martians!