New this week in Days of Valor:

Hardware Base Updates
Attention, Commanders! Our spies have reported that our enemies have not taken kindly to their Hardware Depots being constantly sniped, and they have developed a countermeasure that allows their Hardware Depots to be impervious to attacks.
Fear not, Commander, for our intel suggests that these countermeasures are controlled within their Tactical Ops Center. Simply destroy their TOC, and their Hardware Depots become vulnerable again.
Starting June 10th, event bases will have their Hardware Depots “protected” until the TOC is destroyed. This is response to long-time feedback from players who pointed out that raiding Hardware and ignoring the TOC leads to the event base being left intact on the regional map, and thereby preventing new ones to spawn.
Security Node Bug Fix
A bug was discovered where Security Nodes only worked when players were defending against singleplayer defense missions. This has been fixed, and will now work everywhere. Expect fully-upgraded player bases to be much stronger in PvP fights soon.
Moar Hardware Rewards
The above two updates will no doubt come with additional challenges to event bases. Therefore, Hardware rewards on event bases have been increased by 25%. Challenge accepted, Commander?
EMP Missile and EMP Missile Volley upgrades
Attention, Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 14, and the EMP Missile Volley level cap has been increased to Level 13!

To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Days of Valor Voice of the Commander Tracker.
We have some exciting news, announcements, and more waiting for you on our most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.