New this week in Days of Valor:

Level 16 Elite Nimr/Elite SdKfz 234
The Level 16 Elite Nimr and Elite SdKfz 234 are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite Nimr and Elite SdKfz 234 will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!

Game Improvements
And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of the other “Voice of the Commander” centric game improvements we’ve made this week:
- Damage Booster Nodes are officially retired/refunded, and this week is your last chance to get the Defense Booster Nodes if you want the achievement. Like the damage booster nodes, and the legacy unit equips we recently retired, these items will become unavailable next Thursday. Unlike the legacy unit equips, the legacy Security Nodes will disappear without you needing to do anything. Defense only this week, and Range 2 weeks from now. The new crafted node system will go up right after the last legacy items are refunded and removed.
- A nasty bug appeared that was causing issues with Battle History/Battle Log viewing, but it was fixed within 5-minutes (go bh-nirgal!). Battle logs should now appear properly in all games. Bear in mind, some of the oldest battle logs may no longer be available, but this should only apply for logs older than two years. Please let us know if there are any issues!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Days of Valor Voice of the Commander Tracker.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!