New this week in Days of Valor:

Welcome to Season 12!
Welcome to Season 12! Going into the new season, all Leaderboards and PvP Points are reset, meaning that it’s a fresh start for YOUR Clan to be the new the dominating Clan of Gundar, and win the Seasonal Clan Tournament Grand Prize of 10,000 Gold for your Clan at the end of the Season in 3 months from now. Does your Clan have what it takes?
Elite Machine Gunner Updates
Spray ‘n Pray, Commander! The Elite Machine Gunner has been outfitted with some highly desired performance improvements and a huge ONP Cost Reduction. Here’s what’s new:
- Training and repair times have been reduced by 50%.
- Fuel cost for training has been reduced by 25%, and supply cost for the training is now the same as the fuel cost. Hardware cost for training has also been drastically reduced. An Elite Machine Gunner at L15 will only cost 100 Hardware, down from the previous 1,050.
- Fuel cost for research has been reduced by 10%, and supply cost for the research is now the same as the fuel cost. Hardware cost for research has also been reduced by 50%.
- Research time has been dramatically reduced. It now takes 2 days to research L1, and 7 days to reach L15.
- Hit Points have been increased by 25%.
- Damage has been increased by 30%.
- Range has been increased slightly at max level.
- And the kicker? The ONP cost for the Elite Machine Gunner blueprint has been reduced by 50% in the Event Prizes Store, so get’em while they’re hot!

More Level 4 Security Teams
Following up from our Level 4 Security Team roll-out 2 weeks ago, this week we’re making even more teams upgradeable to L4:
- Foxtrot Force – Increases repair, research, and production speed for armor units
- Golf Force – Increases repair, research, and production speed for flying units
- Hotel Force – Adds security teams to defend your Fuel Yards, and boosts production rate
- India Force – Adds security teams to defend Supply Depots and Fuel Depots
- Juliett Force – Adds security teams to defend Generators
To get started upgrading your leaders, check out the complete guide to high-level leaders on the Battlehouse forums.
Prefer watching a video? Let Community Manager Commander Cameron walk you through in the following video tutorial:
Elite Mortarman L7+ Available To All
That’s not all, Commanders! As of today, the Elite Mortarman L7+ Blueprints and Sub-Components are back and available for all! No need to grab the L7 blueprint if you didn’t get it before. Just start upgrading!
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on Clan HQ.
Good hunting, Commanders!