New this week in Days of Valor:

November Force Security Teams
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November.” It’s not quite November yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give an early warm welcome to the All New November Force Security Teams. We’ve been hearing your feedback loud and clear about wanting new Security Teams for more buildings, and the November Force Security Teams are here to do just that for your Turret Emplacements!
Equip SSG Morel and SSG Wales to your L10+ Turret Emplacements, and SSG Avery and SSG Wu to your L12+ Turret Emplacements. Equip all 4 teams to receive a boost in how many units your Security Team will deploy. Get your November Force Leaders now in the ONP Event Prizes Store!
Need more information on how to unlock and upgrade Security Team Leaders? Check out our “Leader Upgrades” video tutorial on the Battlehouse YouTube channel.

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on Clan HQ.
Good hunting, Commanders!