We’ve been hearing your feedback loud and clear, and we’re ready to celebrate on Mars with the mega update you’ve all been patiently waiting for. Effective today:
The Central Computer level cap is raised to Level 10, paving the way for new maximum levels for your production, storage, and research buildings!
Tornado EM bug-fix
Two weeks ago, we announced the release of the Tornado EMupgrade, where the unit’s level cap was increased to Level 15.
However, it required a Level 15 Gunship Lab, which was not in the game yet; preventing players from researching the unit upgrade.
This has now been fixed, and players no longer need the Gunship Lab to upgrade their Tornados.
Like what you see? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Greetings Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on the Tracker EM, and it can now be made stronger than ever. The Tracker EMlevel cap has been increased to Level 15!
Level 15 Tracker EM Stats
Note: Requires Level 14 Drone Lab
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Greetings Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on the Tornado, and it can now be made stronger than ever. The Tornado level cap has been increased to Level 15!
Level 15 Tornado Stats
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Greetings Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on the HawkingEM, and it can now be made stronger than ever. The Hawking EM level cap has been increased to Level 15!
Level 15 Hawking EM Stats
Quality of life patrol
And that’s not all, Commanders! Our team has made a few fixes that should make for a smoother gameplay experience.
Achievement names that were overrunning the interface window have been squashed down so they fit.
Upgrading units and technologies have been reorganized to make better use of available interface space. The text should no longer spill off the right side of the screen any more.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
1 – GEN. AjMaL L60 with 579 points WINS 1000 Gold 2 – GEN. AjMaL- L60 with 479 points WINS 1000 Gold 3 – GEN. Incinerator L60 with 203 points WINS 1000 Gold 4 – LTG. sang-surya L57 with 122 points WINS 1000 Gold 5 – GEN. antonius L60 with 95 points WINS 1000 Gold 6 – 战争 L54 with 91 points WINS 1000 Gold 7 – COL. BigDog L43 with 80 points WINS 1000 Gold 8 – Kadri L59 with 23 points WINS 1000 Gold 9 – Joseph L35 with 12 points WINS 1000 Gold 10 – GEN. AjMaL– L60 with 0 points WINS 1000 Gold
Brothers and loyal frien – 683 Points
1 – John L37 with 731 points WINS 500 Gold 2 – COL. AUSA L40 with 636 points WINS 500 Gold 3 – LTG. فداءFAB L58 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 4 – LTG. دمیFAB L57 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 5 – Cricri L51 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 6 – BG. Lieun L48 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 7 – 7 COL. FAB2 L42 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 8 – COL. Eagle L40 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 9 – COL. snipr L40 with 0 points WINS 500 Gold 10 – Ali L38 0 points WINS 500 Gold
1 – GEN. Fred L60 with 182 points WINS 300 Gold 2 – GEN. CIPRIAN L60 with 133 points WINS 300 Gold 3 – GEN. TheBismarck L60 with 112 points WINS 300 Gold 4 – TZATZIKATOR L58 with 41 points WINS 300 Gold 5 – GEN. PLAYER1 L60 with 35 points WINS 300 Gold 6 – COL. sierra1 L42 with 15 points WINS 300 Gold 7 – GEN. SirDiesAlot L60 with 0 points WINS 300 Gold 8 – Dumitrescu L58 with 0 points WINS 300 Gold 9 – MG. DrStrangeLv L54 with 0 points WINS 300 Gold 10 – MG. Slim-Shady L54 with 0 points WINS 300 Gold
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Welcome to Season 15! Going into the new season, all Leaderboards and PvP Points are reset, meaning that it’s a fresh start for YOUR Clan to be the new the dominating Clan of the Season, and win the Seasonal Clan Tournament Grand Prize of 10,000 Gold for your Clan at the end of the Season in 3 months from now. Does your Clan have what it takes?
Firestorm unit upgrades
And that’s not all, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on the Firestorm, and it can now be made stronger than ever. The Firestorm level cap has been increased to 15!
Looking for the Season 14 Tournament winners list? Don’t worry. It will be revealed soon. Stay tuned for another Patch Notes coming later today!
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
From October 1st – October 8th, 2020, rally your Clan and head to the regional map for your chance to be the strongest Clan of Season 12!
Be one of the Top Clans with the most Clan PvP Points to win between 3,000-10,000 Gold, divided evenly among the top 10 members of your clan.
Tournament ends on October 8th, 2020 at 1700 GMT, at which point winners will be announced, prizes awarded, and leaderboards will be reset for the new season. It’s important to note that you should stay in the same Clan through the end of the tournament and for at least one hour afterward, until at least 1800 GMT to ensure your Clan’s prizes are scored correctly.
Season 15 opens on July 9th, 2020!
The new season will begin immediately after the end of the tournament.
Please be reminded that PvP points can only be accumulated on “anti-alt” maps.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up next season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in last week’s edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the War Star Empire Voice of the Commander Tracker (new tracker coming soon).
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
The Mars Coalition made a technology breakthrough that enables us to upgrade the stats of our Weapons Factory and Drone Factory.
Upgradethem in the building up upgrade menu with resources and a small Solaron fee.
Upgrading the Weapons Factory stats will grant you boosts to production speed.
And that’s not all, Commander! In addition to an increase in mine production speed courtesy of the new Weapons Factory upgrade, the Magneto Mines now have reduced build speed!
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Dragon AP Stat Mods are now available in the Dragon AP upgrade menu, allowing you to upgrade the Dragon AP’s Health, and Damage Per Second to Level 3. No additional blueprints required for these upgrades! Just head on into the “Unlock/Upgrade” menu, navigate to your Dragon AP, and start upgrading!
Dragon AP Stats at L9 and L10 w/ maxed out Stat Mods
Game improvements
There was a small bug where the damage stats for already-built mines and strike teams were not displaying correctly. This has been fixed.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Welcome to Season 14! Going into the new season, all Leaderboards and PvP Points are reset, meaning that it’s a fresh start for YOUR Clan to be the new the dominating Clan of the Season, and win the Seasonal Clan Tournament Grand Prize of 10,000 Gold for your Clan at the end of the Season in 3 months from now. Does your Clan have what it takes?
REMINDER: New Anti-VPN rules and detection systems go into effect. This means all anti-alt maps are now anti-VPN maps. Anyone using a VPN will be automatically kicked off the anti-alt/anti-VPN map. We accept case-by-case petitions for VPN access to anti-alt/anti-vpn maps for one account per player. Please contact support if you’d like to be whitelisted.
New Magneto Mines
Watch your step, Commander! The Magneto Mine is here!
Available for bases with Level 3 CC and higher
Electromagnetic pulse temporarily stuns all enemy units in range and knocks air units out of the sky
Game improvements
Updated Volume Control! Instead of just mute/unmute in settings, you can now more precisely control your volumes with sliding percentage controls from 0 to 100, with mouse-wheel and click-n’-hold support. Clicking the volume bar between the plus and minus sign will now mute/unmute your volume. The UI tooltip is updated to reflect this. The game will save your last unmuted volume preference and restore it if you mute. Example: Set music volume to 50%. Click the yellow bar. It’s muted. Click the empty bar. It’s instantly back to 50%.
Season 13 Tournament Winners
PrOuD BrOtHeRhOoD XxX – 649 Points
1 – GEN. AjMaL L60 with 608 points WINS 1000 Gold 2 – GEN. AjMaL- L60 with 450 points WINS 1000 Gold 3 – MG. battoousai L50 with 231 points WINS 1000 Gold 4 – Martha L55 with 199 points WINS 1000 Gold 5 – 战争 L54 with 152 points WINS 1000 Gold 6 – LTG. sang-surya L56 with 80 points WINS 1000 Gold 7 – JURIG L45 with 54 points WINS 1000 Gold 8 – GEN. antonius L60 with 53 points WINS 1000 Gold 9 – COL. BigDog L41 with 45 points WINS 1000 Gold 10 – Kadri L59 with 1 points WINS 1000 Gold
1 – LTG. Chaos7 L58 with 181 points WINS 300 Gold 2 – GEN. TheBismarck L60 with 158 points WINS 300 Gold 3 – GEN. Fred L60 with 144 points WINS 300 Gold 4 – TZATZIKATOR L56 with 112 points WINS 300 Gold 5 – GEN. CIPRIAN L60 with 109 points WINS 300 Gold 6 – BG. Notyourfather L45 with 76 points WINS 300 Gold 7 – MG. JackAss L51 with 71 points WINS 300 Gold 8 – LT. johan L21 with 23 points WINS 300 Gold 9 – CPT. standardbread L28 with 22 points WINS 300 Gold 10 – COL. sierra1 L42 with 20 points WINS 300 Gold
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.