New this week in War Star Empire:
More Loot in the Highlands!
Commanders, we thank some of you who have given feedback regarding the number of AI bases in Valor March. Now, they have been set to always assume that the map is at 70% capacity unless it is already higher. This will make a lot more bases spawn when the population is low. So if loot is what you need, Valor March is for you! But beware your enemies!
Missile upgrades
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
- Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 20
- Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level 18
- Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 16
- Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 15
- Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 14
- Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 13

Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!