New this week in Thunder Run:

Welcome to the Danger Zone!
Attention, Commanders!
For a few weeks now we’ve been encountering enemy predator drones and spotters. We have locked on to their trail, and we can now take the fight to them!
The Danger Zone is here! From November 18th – December 2nd, 2021, participate in the 8-mission singleplayer event that comes with a few surprises and brutal challenges. The first few missions unlock the new ATC Tower and its upgrades, which gives you more avenues for defense with the new Predator Recon. The last couple of stages will give you new units to play with, such as the Spotter!
Our friendly neighborhood streamer MacGyver7th took on the Danger Zone a few weeks ago, and here are the highlights to give you a taste of what to expect from the event:
His full streams can be found on YouTube Channel (Part 1, Part 2) and on Facebook (Part 1, Part 2) if you’d like to watch the full VOD.
Are you up for the challenge, Commander? If you are unable to complete it in its two-week run, don’t fret! The Danger Zone is a recurring event!
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.