Join us in the #general discussion channel of our Thunder Run Discord Servertonight at 7pm US Pacific Time (Saturday 2am GMT) for our 2nd community “Discord Dev AMA”. What does “AMA” stand for you ask? It means “Ask Me Anything”, and we’re letting you the players do just do that.
Welcome to Season 16! Going into the new season, all Leaderboards and PvP Points are reset, meaning that it’s a fresh start for YOUR Clan to be the new the dominating Clan of Gundar, and win the Seasonal Clan Tournament Grand Prize of 10,000 Gold for your Clan at the end of the Season in 3 months from now. Does your Clan have what it takes?
Elite Machine Gunner Updates
Spray ‘n Pray, Commander! The Elite Machine Gunner has been outfitted with some highly desired performance improvements and a huge ONP Cost Reduction. Here’s what’s new:
Training and repair times have been reduced by 50%.
Fuel cost for training has been reduced by 25%, and supply cost for the training is now the same as the fuel cost. Hardware cost for training has also been drastically reduced. An Elite Machine Gunner at L15 will only cost 100 Hardware, down from the previous 1,050.
Fuel cost for research has been reduced by 10%, and supply cost for the research is now the same as the fuel cost. Hardware cost for research has also been reduced by 50%.
Research time has been dramatically reduced. It now takes 2 days to research L1, and 7 days to reach L15.
Hit Points have been increased by 25%.
Damage has been increased by 30%.
Range has been increased slightly at max level.
And the kicker? The ONP cost for the Elite Machine Gunner blueprint has been reduced by 50% in the Event Prizes Store, so get’em while they’re hot!
New Elite Machine Gunner Stats at L1New Elite Machine Gunner Stats at L15
Join us in the #general discussion channel of our Thunder Run Discord Server this Friday, October 4th at 7pm US Pacific Time (Saturday 2am GMT) for our 2nd community “Discord Dev AMA”. What does “AMA” stand for you ask? It means “Ask Me Anything”, and we’re letting you the players do just do that.
These text based live chats are a great opportunity for you the players to connect with Thunder Run game developers and Community Support Team members to share your feedback about the game, and meet other dedicated players of the Battlehouse community. Looking for a new home for clan chat operations? Creating a private clan channel on our Discord server gives you the added benefits of voice chatting with your clanmates, and sending clan notifications across all devices (including mobile)!
Please remain civil and respectful at all times. Any bad behavior that violates our Discord Community rules, posted in the #rules channel, may be punished with a permanent ban and removal of your comments.
We invite you to ask the deep and hard hitting questions relevant to the whole game community. But note, this AMA is not intended to be a means of receiving instant answers to individual player support tickets. We will not be responding to reports about suspected cheaters, offensive chat disputes, or other account-specific questions that would be more appropriately handled in private by the Player Support team.
Try to ask concise, but clear questions. Huge blocks of text with several questions shoved into one may not be answered, nor will non-constructive comments such as “fix the game”.
Follow this link to sign-up or login to Thunder Run Discord Server, and we’ll see you all on Friday! ->
Heads up, Commander! It’s an aircraft unit upgrade extravaganza! The Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache are here.
As with the recent L14 releases, your Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache will also feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The Level 14 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache upgrades require a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward. Good hunting, Commanders!
OH-58 Kiowa Stats from L13 -> L14
AH-1 Cobra Stats from L13 -> L14
AH-64 Apache Stats from L13 -> L14
End of Season 15 Clan Tournament
From September 26th – October 3rd, 2019, rally your Clan and head to the regional map for your chance to be the strongest Clan of Season 15!
Be one of the Top Clans with the most Clan PvP Points to win between 3,000-10,000 Gold, divided evenly among the top 10 members of your clan.
Tournament ends on October 3rd, 2019 at 1700 GMT, at which point winners will be announced, prizes awarded, and leaderboards will be reset for the new season. It’s important to note that you should stay in the same Clan through the end of the tournament and for at least one hour afterward, until at least 1800 GMT to ensure your Clan’s prizes are scored correctly.
Season 16 Opens: October 3rd, 2019
The new season will begin immediately after the end of the tournament. Here are just a couple things you can expect to see in Season 16:
Thunder Run (Season 16):
Effective now: Mr. Skilling L4 tutorial bases will no longer spawn in 200-series maps, and will spawn in reduced numbers in 600-series maps.
Effective October 3: TOC L4 will be required to enter 200-series maps. Players below TOC L4 who are currently in a 200-series map should upgrade to TOC L4 soon, or risk being moved to a different map after this update.
Later: New Unit Equipment sets, and expanded levels for some of your favorite unit types! 🚁
The grease monkeys of Gundar have another unit training update available this week in the form of expanded levels for the Elite Rifleman. Here’s what’s new:
Max level has been expanded from L12 to 15. Unlike most new max level increases for units, these upgrades won’t require any blueprints – just resources!
Expanded Landmine Levels
Also available this week are expanded maximum levels for all Landmines:
Anti-Infantry and Anti-Air Mines are now upgradeable to L18.
Anti-Armor Mines are now upgradeable to L22.
Anti-Tank Mines (formerly known as “Anti-Heavy Armor” mines) are now upgradeable to L12.
Level 4 Security Team Changes
And that’s not all, Commanders! We’ve also made a change to the behavior of Level 4 Security Teams:
In addition to L4 Sec Team troops deploying as soon as enemies approach a protected building, the Level 4 teams are also now persistent meaning that they’ll stick around for the next battle if the attacker retreats.
Heads up, Commander! The armor unit upgrade extravaganza continues! The Level 14 M109, Bradley, and Abrams are here.
As with the recent L14 releases, your Level 14 M109, Bradley, and Abrams will also feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The Level 14 M109, Bradley, and Abrams upgrades require a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward. Good hunting, Commanders!
Fly high, Commander! The grease monkeys of Gundar have spruced up one our favorite Elite birds with some highly desired performance improvements and equipment additions. Here’s what’s new:
Unit can now attack both air and ground. Rival flyers beware!
Unit’s “firing arc” has been increased from 5 to 15. This means that it’ll be able to attack a wider area without having to turn.
Speaking of turning: the unit’s turn rate has also been given a boost.
Unit’s rate of fire increased from one shot every 1.75 seconds to one shot per second.
Attacks now do splash damage.
Hit Points have been significantly increased.
Hardware build cost has been reduced.
Hardware research cost has been reduced.
Build and repair times have been reduced.
Unit’s missiles received some visual updates.
And the kicker? The ONP cost for the Elite AH-64 Blueprint has been reduced by 10% in the Event Prizes Store, so get’em while they’re hot!
New max level stats for the Elite AH-64
Elite AH-64 Level 2 Unit Equipment
What about the “equipment additions” we mentioned above, you ask? We’re not going to leave you hanging there. Gundar Arms Industries is also rolling out upgradeable weapons technologies. Purchase more Level 1 equipment sets in the ONP Store, and combine the parts in the Weapons Factory to make all new Level 2 sets!
Elite AH-64 GMC Laser Sights II –AN/PEQ-2 IR Laser Sight technology that increases range by 5%
Elite AH-64 GMC Ballistic Armor MK II –Improved kevlar that reduces damage taken by 10%
Elite AH-64AP Ammunition II –The newest grade armor-piercing ammunition that increases damage by 10%
Collect the entire Level 2 Unit Equipment set to boost your Unit Equipment bonuses even higher!
Heads up, Commander! It’s an armor unit upgrade extravaganza! The Level 14 Humvee, M1064A, and Stryker are here.
As with the recent L14 releases, your Level 14 Humvee, M1064A, and Stryker will also feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The Level 14 Humvee, M1064A, and Stryker upgrades require a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward. Good hunting, Commanders!
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November.” It’s not quite November yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give an early warm welcome to the All New November Force Security Teams. We’ve been hearing your feedback loud and clear about wanting new Security Teams for more buildings, and the November Force Security Teams are here to do just that for your Turret Emplacements!
Equip SSG Morel and SSG Wales to your L10+ Turret Emplacements, and SSG Avery and SSG Wu to your L12+ Turret Emplacements. Equip all 4 teams to receive a boost in how many units your Security Team will deploy. Get your November Force Leaders now in the ONP Event Prizes Store!
The grease monkeys of Gundar have another explosive unit update available this week in the form of expanded levels and other highly anticipated improvements for the Elite AH-1Z. Here’s what’s new:
Max level has been expanded from L12 to 15. Unlike most new max level increases for units, these upgrades won’t require any blueprints – just resources!
Significant improvements were made to the “hit box targeting” for the Elite AH-1Z’s Sidewinder Missiles (weapon that can be activated with the “E” key). Sidewinder warriors should take note: an enemy helicopter’s shadow is the actual target, but the hitbox area has been expanded so that you can also effectively target the helicopter itself. In addition, damage no longer drops off as a result of inaccurate targeting. If you hit the opposing helicopter anywhere, you get the full damage, period.
Expanded Turret Levels
And that’s not all, Commanders! Also available this week are expanded level blueprints for all turrets:
Blueprints to unlock Levels 29-30 for the MG Tower, Mortar, and TOW turret weapons are now available in the Event Prizes store.
Blueprints to unlock Levels 27-28 for the FASCAM, HEL Laser, C-RAM, M45 Quadmount, and Artillery turret weapons are also now available in the Event Prizes store.
The Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Missile, or C-RAM, gun fires flares during a weapons test at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, Jan. 31, 2010. The C-RAM has the ability to fire up to 4,500 rounds per minute to protect the base against incoming projectiles. (Photo: SrA. Brittany Bateman)
Your Riflemen, Machine Gunners, Mortarmen and even Panzers have already reported for their L14 training. Don’t you think it’s time to let your Snipers hone some training opportunities into their sights?
As with other recent L14 Infantry releases, your L14 Sniper will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The Level 14 Sniper upgrade requires a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward.
Sniper Stats For L13 -> L14
New Warehouse Tabs
Have you been following along with the slew of quality-of-life upgrades we’ve been making to the Warehouse lately? We’re proud to announce one of our biggest Warehouse system updates yet with the all new “Warehouse Tabs” layout. Quickly find the Warehouse item you need most by clicking the desired tab within the Warehouse menu to filter your item sets as shown in the screenshots below.
The standard Warehouse view when looking at the “All Items” tabA filtered Warehouse view when looking at the “Security” tab
Have feedback to share about the specific improvements you’d like to see us make to the Warehouse going forward? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.