TR: Maintenance Bay/Motor Pool Upgrades, L16 Vehicles, and more – November 28th Patch Notes

New this week in Thunder Run:

Maintenance Bay/Motor Pool Upgrades

🦃 Happy Turkey Day, Commanders! 🦃

To further build upon the release of Tactical Ops Center Level 12 last month, and the new Infantry tier 2 weeks ago, Gundar Arms Industries has decided it’s time to give our Vehicle units some love. Effective today:

  • Maintenance Bay is now upgradeable to L17.
  • Motor Pool is now upgradeable to L15.

Take advantage of these upgrades today to start researching and building Level 16 Vehicles!

Level 16 Vehicles

The Level 16 HMMWV, M1064A3 Mortar, Stryker ICV, M109 Paladin, M2 Bradley, M1 Abrams, Gaz Tigr, Nimr, BTR-90 IFV, BRDM-3, Truck Bomb, BMP-1, TOS-1A, MSTA, and T-90 MBT are here.

As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Vehicles will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.

The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading your L16 Vehicles. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Maintenance Bay and Motor Pool, you can upgrade away!

Elite BRDM-3 Boost/Sale

As originally outlined in Issue #9 of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, this week we welcome an explosive boost and blueprint sale for the Elite BRDM-3. Effective now:

  • The Elite BRDM-3 receives a significant increase in Hit Points and DPS, making it comparable to the Elite Stryker.
  • The driver and weapons operator are now both equipped with ejection harnesses. When your Elite BRDM-3s are destroyed, they’ll bail out and join the fight.
    • The Elite BRDM-3 spawns two enhanced Riflemen (look closely! these are no ordinary riflemen!)
      • Elite BRDM-3 riflemen contain a 10% bonus to defense, and a 40% bonus to attack.
  • For one week only: Cost for the Elite BRDM-3 blueprint has dropped to 365k ONP. Get them while they’re hot!
L14/L15 Stats for the Elite BRDM-3

Return of the Elite M1 Abrams

As of today, the Elite M1 Abrams L7+ Blueprints and Sub-Components are back and available for all! No need to grab the L7 blueprint if you didn’t get it before. Just start upgrading!

In addition, Level 2 Unit Equipment is now available! Purchase more Level 1 equipment sets in the ONP Store, and combine the parts in the Weapons Factory to make new Level 2 sets:

  • Elite M1 Abrams Laser Sights II – AN/PEQ-2 IR Laser Sight technology that increases range by 5%
  • Elite M1 Abrams Ballistic Armor MK II – Improved armor that reduces damage taken by 10%
  • Elite M1 Abrams AP Ammunition II – The newest grade armor-piercing ammunition that increases damage by 10%

Game Improvements

Here’s a recap of all minor Game Improvements we’ve brought to you over the course of the last week:

  • AI Event bases now respawn on the regional maps every 15 minutes instead of the previous 1 hour. This is intended to address an issue we spotted through “Voice of the Commander” where some bases within particular level ranges were too few and far between.
  • Based on usage stats: the “Clan Help” system help requirement has been changed from 9 to 6.
  • “Catchup” blueprints have been updated to allow you to purchase blueprints without researching lower levels. You can buy the L15 blueprints while your unit is only L12, or wait until you reach L14. Your choice.
    • The MG Tower, Mortar Emplacement, and TOW Emplacement store entries now only require you to purchase the previous blueprint. You no longer have to research in order to buy. This puts these three turrets in line with all of the other turrets.
  • Mousewheel scrolling is now enabled for all chat channels in all games.

Bug Fixes

And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of all the Bug Fixes from the past week:

  • A bugfix on the Hardware Store “Unit Upgrades” section was deployed last Friday. A few players were showing certain blueprints they had as not yet purchased.
  • Multiple broken turret quests are now fixed.
  • Most achievements for equipment sets that had L2 sets were broken. They are all now fixed. Affected units included: Elite Ka-50, Elite M1 Abrams, Elite Gaz Tigr, Elite T-90, Elite M109, Elite TOS-1A, Elite AH-64, Elite Harbin Z-9W, Elite Stinger Gunner, and Elite Mi-24D Hind.
  • Three units never had their equipment achievements. The Elite Rifleman, Elite Stryker, and Elite OH-58F now all have achievements.
  • The Guerrilla Blitz attempt message was promising a 150k Hardware prize that didn’t exist. The messaging has been removed, but we’ll consider adding the message back in at some point when we have time to add the mechanics to award the prize.

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.

Good hunting, Commanders!

Battlehouse Dev Blog, Issue #10: Chat Improvements, and more

📢 Attention Thunder Run, Days of Valor, Mars Frontier, War Star Empire, Battlefront Mars, and Firestrike Commanders:

Welcome to the 10th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers. Without further adieu, here’s bh-nirgal to talk about some in-game chat improvements, and development updates for all games:

Chat Improvements

This past week has mostly been dealing with quality of life improvements and patching UI errors.

The biggest change was enabling mouse wheel scrolling in chat. All games benefited from this change.

We’re going to pause on UI improvements for a short period to get a few content patches out for Firestrike, Mars Frontier, Battlefront Mars, and War Star Empire. These are smaller games that represent a smaller portion of the income that keeps the whole ship afloat, but they deserve new content too! We’ll return to UI improvements for all games shortly afterwards.

When we return to the UI, the next step is to expand the player options menu to allow scrolling. There’s no room left right now to add options, and a lot of upcoming UI improvements need to be something the user can toggle. Sadly, this is not something we can just flip a switch on, but once scrolling is added to a UI element it can be expanded easily in the future. While we’re at it, we’ll make sure mouse wheel scrolling works in this UI element.

Once player options can scroll and we have more room to give you options to choose from, here’s the new options we’ll be adding:

  • Turn off screen shake when explosion effects happen.
  • Reverse chat window vertical orientation. New messages and the input window on the top, or new messages and the input window on the bottom. Your choice.
  • Reverse mouse wheel scroll direction. Scroll down to go down, or scroll up to go down, your choice.

Game Development Status Updates

Firestrike players: You’ve been asking for it, and it’s in the works. Tier 16. You’re getting new levels to all units, new levels to all tech, new levels to all buildings, the addition of barriers, and one new unit. This is a big patch, so it might get broken into stages.

Mars Frontier: You’re getting a new Central Computer level, reduced build times for existing building levels, and a new level for all units. Most of the work on this was already done, so expect it very quickly.

Battlefront Mars: You’re getting a new level for all units, and one elite unit. A lot of the work on this is already done, but it needs some polish. It shouldn’t take too long.

War Star Empire: You’re getting a new level for all units and some additional turret levels. About half of the work on this was done between other patches, so it won’t take too long.

There’s not much else to discuss this week. To our American friends, enjoy gorging yourselves tomorrow. To the rest of you, have a great week.

Stay up to date every day on what’s being developed on the dev-tracker channel here.

Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various recent community suggestions? Check out our “Voice of the Commander” trackers here:

Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!

TR: “Instant Building” Upgrade Changes, Elite Stinger Gunner AI Base Updates – November 21st Patch Notes

New this week in Thunder Run:

“Instant Building” Upgrade Changes

Hey Commanders! Wishing you didn’t have to wait for a building upgrade to finish before you’re able to upgrade a Barrier? We know at least a few of you are, and we’re hearing your feedback loud and clear!

Effective earlier this week: Players now have the ability to build and upgrade “instant buildings” (Barriers, Minefields, and Ambush Points). If you have a lot of spare resources and want to spend them on barriers during a long upgrade, now is the time!

Elite Stinger Gunner AI Base Updates

Last week we released a buff for the Elite Stinger Gunner, and the effect it had on the difficulty of AI Event Bases was understandably causing some frustrations players. After discussing player feedback with the team, we have opted to remove the Elite Stinger Gunner from all AI bases, and replace them with non-elite versions.

For more information regarding this change, and a peak into future unit changes that are in the pipeline, check out this this week’s edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.

Good hunting, Commanders!

Battlehouse Dev Blog, Issue #9: Thunder Run and Days of Valor Updates

📢 Attention Thunder Run and Days of Valor Commanders:

Welcome to the 9th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers. Without further adieu, here’s bh-nirgal with some more development updates for TR and DV:

Thunder Run and Days of Valor Developments

Let’s take a moment to recap a recent change. As part of the release of the TOC12 infantry buildings and the new L16 for non-elite infantry, we reworked one of the least-used elite infantry units (Elite Stinger Gunner) and put it on sale.

One of the things we do behind the scenes is examining the stats of deployments of unit types, adjusted for their unit space costs, and trying to encourage a reasonable distribution of deployments. Obviously some units are better for base defense, others are preferable for AI events, and others are probably better suited to attacking bases. We expect player favorites to emerge.

When one unit is the most common by a disproportionate amount, or when a unit barely makes a blip in the stats, we try to adjust things to give players incentive to adopt and deploy more variety. Sometimes, we discover that the popularity was due to a bug. For example, the Elite AH-64 was stunning aircraft a while ago, but was only intended to stun turrets. Other times, it is far more powerful than any other unit of its type, as it was when the Elite TOS-1A outclassed all other long-range ground attacks. We sometimes have to adjust the popular unit, but we normally don’t want to completely remove something the players are enjoying. Because of this preference, we usually buff other units rather than directly nerf a unit.

The Elite Stinger Gunner was chosen for a major refit because it was both very rare in deployments and was also originally designed as a direct counter to helicopters. The Elite AH-64 happened to be a disproportionately popular unit, with well over half of all unit deployments being Elite AH-64s. We balanced the new Elite Stinger Gunner stats to make it so that it could not kill an Elite AH-64 of equal upgrade level in one shot, but could be killed by the Elite AH-64 quite easily. This meant that massed Elite Stingers would win against lone Elite Apaches, but some clever maneuvering with Elite Apaches would keep winning.

New Elite Stinger Gunner Stats

There were two problems with this. First, the Elite Stinger Gunner’s unlock requirements were balanced for a pre-Hardware era. It is much faster to unlock an Elite Stinger Gunner to maximum level than an Elite Apache, so the average encounter was usually between higher level Elite Stingers and lower level Elite Apaches. The second is that there were far more Elite Stinger Gunners on AI single player bases and AI multiplayer map bases than we realized.

We debated making an AI-only “classic” Elite Stinger while giving the players the new Elite Stinger, or swapping all Elite Stingers on AI bases for basic Stingers, which are closer in stats to the old Elite Stinger. We chose the latter option so we could get it to players faster, but the idea of “Mercenary” units with legacy stats going into AI bases is something we’re strongly considering for future adjustments.

Moving forward, we’re going to try to keep players in the loop on planned changes to existing units, especially when they affect event bases.

During the week that the TOC12 patch enables new Maintenance Bay and Motor Pool levels (coming soon!), we’ll be updating the Elite BDRM-3. Our analysis shows that it is the least used elite vehicle, and multiple players have requested an update. We’re hoping to make it more in line with the Elite Stryker, except that it will deal less damage per shot and focus more on spreading damage around with its AoE attack. I’d like to make the fire damage it causes weaken a target against long-ranged attack, so it would make sense to send a BDRM-3 “shock team” in ahead of an artillery barrage. Since there are a total of 453 Elite BRDM-3s spread across all of the event bases, this is probably a good candidate to test the “Mercenary” concept so that AI base difficulty doesn’t change. Ideally, you’d see the AIs with the current version of the Elite BDRM-3, only renamed “Mercenary BDRM-3”, while players would get the updated stats version.

Short version: Expect the unit to be much harder to kill and to debuff enemy defenses, but not be a very long-ranged unit. Full details will be in the eventual patch notes.

During the week that the TOC12 patch enables new Maintenance Hangar and Airfield levels (coming after the Maintenance Bay and Motor Pool updates), we’ll be updating the Elite AH-1. Our analysis shows that it is the least used helicopter. It has been difficult to find a niche for this unit, so I’m thinking that it will play “overwatch” against incoming anti-aircraft fire. Think of the anti-missile stat on some buildings, except it only affects ground to air missiles instead of air to ground missiles. Since only the Stinger, Elite Stinger, and Elite Nimr use ground to air missiles (all other Anti-Air is bullet-based), the Elite AH-1 will also have a defense boost similar to the Elite MQ8B’s offense boost.  Deploying an Elite AH-1 with your group should be an interesting option with these changes. It won’t be the most powerful unit around, but it will increase the survivability of others.

Short version: Expect the unit to become harder to kill and to buff friendly air units against anti-air attacks.

Discord Dev Tracker Recap

It was a busy week in Discord. Here’s the recap of the dev-tracker channel:

  • Nirgal kept us updated on work done on two highly-requested UI features, the ability to view building stats while upgrading, and the ability to have buildings that require zero build time to bypass the building queue. Both patches were completed and sent to the rest of the dev team for review.

Stay up to date every day on what’s being developed on the dev-tracker channel here.

Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various recent community suggestions? Check out our “Voice of the Commander” trackers here:

Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!

TR: Academy/Barracks Upgrades, L16 Infantry, and more – November 14th Patch Notes

New this week in Thunder Run:

Academy/Barracks Upgrades

To further build on the release of Tactical Ops Center Level 12 two weeks ago, Gundar Arms Industries has declared that it’s time for an Infantry training overhaul. Effective today:

  • The Academy is now upgradeable to L17.
  • The Barracks is now upgradeable to L18.

Take advantage of these upgrades today to start researching and training Level 16 Infantry!

Level 16 Infantry

The Level 16 Rifleman, Mortarman, Machine Gunner, Javelin Gunner, Stinger Gunner, Combat Engineer and Sniper are here.

As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Infantry will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.

The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading your L16 Infantry. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!

Elite Stinger Gunner Boost/Sale

The Elite AH-64 Apaches claim to own the skies these days, but our Elite Stinger Gunners have something to say about that. It’s time to remind your rivals of the meaning of fear. Effective today for the Elite Stinger Gunner:

  • Splash range has increased from 70 to 140.
  • Damage per second has increased to 66% of an Elite AH-64 Apache’s HP. Not quite enough to one-shot kill them, but close!
  • Level 2 Unit Equipment is here!
    • Elite Stinger Gunner Laser Sights II – AN/PEQ-2 IR Laser Sight technology that increases range by 5%
      Elite Stinger Gunner Ballistic Armor MK II – Improved kevlar that reduces damage taken by 10%
      Elite Stinger Gunner AP Ammunition II – The newest grade armor-piercing ammunition that increases damage by 10%
  • For one week only: Cost for the Elite Stinger Gunner blueprint has dropped to 300k ONP. Get them while they’re hot!

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.

Good hunting, Commanders!

Battlehouse Dev Blog, Issue #8: Thunder Run and Days of Valor Updates

📢 Attention Thunder Run and Days of Valor Commanders:

Welcome to the 8th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers. Without further adieu, here’s bh-nirgal:

Thunder Run and Days of Valor Developments

There was a lot of active discussion on Discord over the weekend about our plans to “squash” some of the development time for things in the game. I first mentioned this in the inaugural blog post back in September. Instead of a link, here’s the original text:

  • “The third project, slated for an uncertain future date, is a rebalancing of the TOC tiers. This is one of the less-defined plans, and player feedback is highly encouraged. Ideally, I’d like to see the average player base level increase so that the top-tier players have worthwhile opponents to fight and the average player can hold their own. This would involve reducing research and building times for lower building levels and lower tech levels, and would involve reducing prices for older blueprints (or removing them altogether for some lower turret levels).”

Some veteran players expressed concern about the impact on the game, especially if it means that alt accounts can get powered up too quickly.

These are some fair concerns. It probably would be disruptive to significantly lower the time needed to research offensive technologies by too much.

We’re still a ways out from the rebalancing of lower content tiers, but it is probably best to focus on infrastructure, such as building upgrade times and costs, rather than on force projection, such as unit research and build times.

The one category that this probably shouldn’t apply is what we internally call “core units”. These are the units that you do not need a blueprint to unlock: the Rifleman, Mortarman, Javelin Gunner, Sniper, HMMWV, M1064, Stryker, M109 Paladin, M2 Bradley, M1 Abrams, OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache.

These are weaker units, but in some cases they take a significant amount of time and resources to unlock, to the point that only extreme completionists are bothering to do so for achievements. Given the wealth of premium content, we’ll probably need to spend some time making a few these less-used “core units” more accessible to players.

Discord Dev Tracker Recap

It was a busy week in Discord. Here’s the recap of the dev-tracker channel:

  • Nirgal kept us updated on work done on the L5 Leaders for TR and DV, and also mentioned that h’d started the next FS content tier.
  • Nirgal completed several bugfixes, which included some issues with the new TOC12 weapons, the C-RAM turret, and several AI maps
  • We got a sneak peek at some of the in-progress work on the L5 leaders.
  • Nirgal reported that the L5 leaders patch was done and being reviewed by the rest of the dev team prior to deployment, and announced the order of work on the next several projects.

Stay up to date every day on what’s being developed on the dev-tracker channel here.

Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various recent community suggestions? Check out our “Voice of the Commander” trackers here:

Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!

TR: Level 15 Aircraft Unit Extravaganza, and More UI Updates – November 7th Patch Notes

New this week in Thunder Run:

Level 15 Aircraft Unit Extravaganza

Heads up, Commander! It’s an aircraft unit upgrade extravaganza! The Level 15 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache are here.

As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 15 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache will also feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.

The Level 15 OH-58 Kiowa, AH-1 Cobra, and AH-64 Apache upgrades require a blueprint that can only be purchased during Hardware Event Weeks in the Hardware Prize Store. We will continue to release similar levels in this catch-up mechanic boost to more core units going forward. Good hunting, Commanders!

L14 -> L15 OH-58 Kiowa Stats
L14 -> L15 AH-1 Cobra Stats
L14 -> L15 AH-64 Apache Stats

More UI Updates

A couple minor patches were also deployed earlier this week that address two UI improvements that were requested by you the players. Effective now:

  • The Unit Blueprints and Elite Blueprints sections of the store are now divided into sections for Infantry, Vehicle, and Aircraft. Furthermore, the Unit Equipment section of the store is now divided into sections for Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, Elite Infantry, Elite Vehicles, and Elite Aircraft. We’re hoping this will make it a little easier to find the upgrades you’re looking for.
  • You can now move buildings while they are crafting, repairing, or upgrading.
Updated “Elite Blueprints” section in the ONP Store

Bug Fix

Last but not least, a bug fix patch has been applied to all Battlehouse games:

As most of you probably already know, there is a limit to how many buffs a player can apply to themselves at any given time. A long standing bug was making it so debuffs were also counting towards the buff limit. They are no longer doing so. Time to energize those boosts!

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.

Good hunting, Commanders!

Battlehouse Dev Blog, Issue #7: Thunder Run and Days of Valor Updates

📢 Attention Thunder Run and Days of Valor Commanders:

Welcome to the 7th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers. Last week, bh-nirgal provided some updates on current projects he’s working on for MF, WSE, TR, and DV and this week he’s diving deeper into some of the juicy details surrounding his TR and DV developments. So without further adieu, here’s bh-nirgal:

Thunder Run and Days of Valor Developments

The ability to move buildings while they are “busy” has been added to the engine. Both Thunder Run and Days of Valor players can move upgrading, crafting, or repairing buildings now. The next engine quality of life change will be to enable accessing building stats while the building is “busy”. This will take slightly longer, since it will affect more portions of the engine.

Many players have requested that Unit Equipment be broken up by unit type. A working prototype of this was developed over the weekend, and is being fine-tuned before release to Days of Valor and then Thunder Run.

Unit Equipment section in the ONP Store

Days of Valor and Thunder Run players may notice that Unit Blueprints and Elite Unit Blueprints are now split into Infantry, Vehicles, and Aircraft sub-sections. This will make it a little easier to get to some of the blueprints.

The Level 5 leaders, along with the alternative leader update system, is well underway. This will mostly affect how players buy leaders and how players upgrade leaders. The new L5 leaders will be stronger versions of the existing L4 leaders and will not introduce any new mechanics other than how you upgrade to get them.

Buying leaders: Right now, the store entries for each leader checks if you have any level of the leader, and whether you can still upgrade the leader. If so, it lets you buy another leader. Since we’re changing the crafting system, the main listing for leaders will let you buy a leader if you don’t have any level of the leader.
Old system: 1x L3 leader, 1x L2 leader = can buy another L1 leader
New system: 1x L3 leader = cannot buy another leader

Upgrading leaders: The upgrade menu in the Leader Barracks now has three “recipes” for upgrading each leader to each level from 2 through 4.

  • There’s a legacy recipe that you’ll never see. This will keep any upgrades in process when we deploy the patch from disappearing.
  • There’s a “merge” recipe, which normally doesn’t show. This works the same way as you’re used to. If you have two leaders of the same level, this recipe will show up so you can upgrade them. If you only have one leader, it won’t show up.
  • There’s a “promote” recipe, which displays if the “merge” recipe doesn’t display. The engine seamlessly switches between the two. A “promotion” recipe requires a leader and “Promotion Orders”, an item you can acquire in the store. There are four levels of Promotion Order. A promotion order is more expensive than a leader, but the Hardware cost and time required to Promote is significantly less than combining multiple leaders.

The upgrade times and costs have been changed. To determine the new costs and times, I added the upgrade time and upgrade cost for each level, divided it by the number of recipes, and rounded it down. This means that individual leaders might take longer and cost more, but taken as a whole L2, L3, and L4 all take less time and cost less.

To try to bring some balance the greater number of upgrades required under the old system, it takes twice as long to do a promotion upgrade as a merge upgrade. Bear in mind, you have to craft L1 to L2 four times and L2 to L3 twice to get to L4, so there is a time savings in the L1 to L2 stage.

Buying Promotion Orders: The Promotion Order items will appear before the Alpha Team in the leaders section of the store. If you don’t like the new system, you’re in luck! The old store listings will be in a sub-section of the Promotion Order.  You can still buy all 8 level 1 leaders required to upgrade a leader to L4, or you can buy the 1 leader and 4 Promotion Orders required to upgrade. It’s your choice.

L5 Leaders only support the new Promotion Order method of upgrading. You will not be combining two L4 Leaders.

Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various recent community suggestions? Check out our new “Voice of the Commander” tracker here: Thunder Run Voice of the Commander: Declassified.

Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!

TR: Level 12 Tactical Ops Center and more – October 31st Patch Notes

New this week in Thunder Run:

Level 12 Tactical Ops Center

Happy Halloween! Your architects have been hard at work, Commander. In addition to a sharply-worded requisition order for more coffee, they’ve delivered the upgrade plans for the next Tactical Ops Center expansion. It seems like only yesterday we were huddled together in tents.

Tick-Tock! The TOC now upgrades to Level 12, unlocking a variety of new upgrades for your military forces!

New features include:

  • Fuel & Supply Yards are now upgradeable to L15.
  • Fuel & Supply Depots are now upgradeable to L17.
  • Generators are now upgradeable to L21.
  • The Vault is now upgradeable to L23.
  • The Transmitter is now upgradeable to L12.
  • TOC Weapons are here! Scroll down to the next section to learn more.
  • Coming Soon: Increased level caps for some of your favorite units and their coo-responding production buildings, along with more exciting and explosive content heading your way throughout the rest of the season.

You’ll need a lot of resources to upgrade your Tactical Operations Center to level 12. Better beef up your security teams so your enemies don’t sniff around for easy prey.

We’ll be sure to caffeinate your architects for you, Commander. That requisition order was just shy of a death threat.

TOC Weapons

Did you see that fancy new turret head on top of the Tactical Ops Center in the banner above? It’s time to turn your TOC into a defense machine, because TOC Weapons are here! Now available in the ONP Store for players with TOC12:

  • TOC LRAD Weapon – This sonic weapon disorients and confuses enemy troops.
  • TOC HEL Weapon – This scientific breakthrough can blind all units and defend against incoming missiles.

To equip your TOC Weapons: purchase the blueprints in the ONP Store during an ONP Event week, activate the blueprints from your Warehouse, and then click on your TOC followed by “Change Weapon” similar to how you would if you were arming a turret head to a turret emplacement.

These TOC weapons are currently upgradeable to L10, so be sure to check out the “Weapons” section of your Weapons Lab for upgrade options.

Pictured Above: L12 TOC sporting an L1 TOC HEL Weapon

User Interface Update

And that’s not all, Commanders! Oooh, no- That is not all. We’ve been hearing community feedback loud and clear, and one game improvement that’s been a common suggestion from you the players for a long time now has been giving you guys the ability to close or hide some of the in-game menus that take up lots of valuable screen space. Guess what? We’ve delivered. Effective as of earlier this week:

  • Click the “down” arrow in the bottom left of your game window to hide your trusty advisor Candace.
  • Click the “down” arrow in the bottom middle of your game window to hide your friends bar.
  • Click the “down” arrow in the bottom right of your game window to hide weekly event information.
    • All of these elements can be brought back by clicking the “up” arrows that remain, and the bottom left arrow will flash if Candace has any new messages for you that require your attention.

Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.

Good hunting, Commanders!