Want to see a teaser of a work-in-progress Elite Javelin Gunner unit that we’re considering potentially bringing to Thunder Run down the road? Come watch Battlehouse Streaming Partner Macgyver7th 2 hours from now show off some disposable versions of the unit and share his feedback. We want to hear your feedback too! Is the Elite Javelin Gunner a Unit you’d like to see us add to the game sooner than later?
Livestream Details
Livestream starts at 23:00 GMT (4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST)!
Livestream will be accessible via Macgyver7th’s FB Gaming and YouTube channels.
Battlehouse Community Manager Commander Cameron will be active in the comments of Macgyver7th’s Livestream to answer player questions and take player feedback. Come let us know what you think about the new coming soon unit!
Following the removal of all legacy-style Security Nodes and achievements over the last several weeks, the all new Craftable Security Node System is finally here! Here’s an overview of how the new system works:
Technology for the Firestorm, Ironsides, and Farsight Security Networks can now be researched and upgraded as high as level 10 within the Weapons Lab. Be sure to go check out and research L1 for each network right away! It’s free!
After the technology is researched, click on any of your base buildings followed by “Change Node” to mount your desired node to each building. While you’re in this menu: you’ll also notice that the exact stats of each node can be seen via pop-up text by hovering your mouse over the node! Better yet, multiple nodes can be crafted at the same time!
New “Change Nodes” Menu (Note: Prices/costs are subject to change.)
We’ll continue to add additional levels for Security Nodes in the future if there is interest, and will also add the ability for players with maxed out techs to research more specialized Security Network techs like “damage/defense” / “range/damage” / “range/defense”, etc.
Nodes also now contain green “area of effect markers” drawn similar to turrets, mines, and ambush points.
Level 16 Elite BMP-1 & Elite TOS-1A
The Level 16 Elite BMP-1 and Elite TOS-1A are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite BMP-1 and Elite TOS-1A will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
The Level 16 Elite BRDM-3 and Elite Truck Bomb are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite BRDM-3 and Elite Truck Bomb will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of the other “Voice of the Commander” centric game improvements we’ve made over the past 2 weeks:
Defense Booster Nodes are officially retired/refunded, and this week is your last chance to get the Range Booster Nodes if you want the achievement. Like the damage/defense booster nodes, and the legacy unit equips we recently retired, these items will become unavailable next Thursday. Unlike the legacy unit equips, the legacy Security Nodes will disappear without you needing to do anything. The new crafted node system will go up right after the last legacy items are refunded and removed.
The Settings Menu has been updated with two toggles for the Map Bookmarks. One allows you to show the bookmark number in front of each. The other allows you to turn off the “Created on” label.
Hotfix: The LRAD research was reporting that the TOC HEL had upgraded. It now correctly reports that the TOC LRAD upgraded.
Hotfix: Some lower-level leader upgrades were showing while upgrading a higher-level leader. This was a purely visual bug, as players could not actually upgrade to those levels. It has been corrected to only display un-upgraded leaders.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Over three years ago, the Elite Generals of Gundar united together and stood strong to vanquish the forces of the evil Segvec and his deadly Virus. Now, Segvec has returned, and he brings with him a new and even more powerful Virus that now once again threatens all the armies of Gundar, and all of humanity. This is no longer just a battle of conquest, but one of survival! Segvec and his forces need to be stopped again, here and now, and if we don’t stand as one, we face inevitable extinction…
Virus (Normal) and Virus (Heroic) campaign difficulties are the same as they were before, so players who didn’t have an opportunity get the speedrun achievement before can get it now! Beware: Virus (Epic) difficulty has been updated to match the current state of the game’s unit balance, and has some nasty new surprises as a result. But achievement hunters rejoice: there’s a new achievement for defeating the Epic Virus campaign in 2020! Do you have what it takes to vanquish the virus?
NOTE: Find the Virus Campaign in the “Single Player” tab within the “Attack” menu
Level 16 Elite Nimr/Elite BTR-90
The Level 16 Elite Nimr and Elite BTR90 are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite Nimr and Elite BTR-90 will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of the other “Voice of the Commander” centric game improvements we’ve made this week:
Damage Booster Nodes are officially retired/refunded, and this week is your last chance to get the Defense Booster Nodes if you want the achievement. Like the damage booster nodes, and the legacy unit equips we recently retired, these items will become unavailable next Thursday. Unlike the legacy unit equips, the legacy Security Nodes will disappear without you needing to do anything. Defense only this week, and Range 2 weeks from now. The new crafted node system will go up right after the last legacy items are refunded and removed.
A nasty bug appeared that was causing issues with Battle History/Battle Log viewing, but it was fixed within 5-minutes (go bh-nirgal!). Battle logs should now appear properly in all games. Bear in mind, some of the oldest battle logs may no longer be available, but this should only apply for logs older than two years. Please let us know if there are any issues!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Heads up, Commanders! We’re coming at you this week with a couple more “Voice of the Commander” centric updates designed to make your gameplay experience more comfortable and user friendly.
First up we made a big update under the hood that now allows us to display “On Impact” unit stats for various Impact weapon units within their proper unit upgrade windows. Mysterious unit effects will no longer be a mystery! Just head on into the unit stats window, and hover over the new “On Impact” stat readings for more precise information.
“On Impact” Stats for the Elite Mortarman
And that’s not all, Commanders! Second in our list our updates this week is the ability to mousewheel and/or click-and-hold scroll the Battle History window. No more clicking arrow to arrow for minutes on end while you try to find that old battle replay link from last week.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
Welcome to the 13th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers. It’s been a little over a month and a half since we released the Developer Roadmap. Let’s take a look at what’s been done, and what remains to be done:
All Games – Improved Player Preferences Interface – Done!
We promised mousewheel scrolling, toggle-able scrolling direction, chat vertical orientation toggles, and screen shake toggles. We delivered all of this, including the addition of mousewheel scrolling features to 18 different UI components that weren’t in the original scope.
FS – Sapper Unit – Done!
This new unit added many new features to the engine. It changed “invisibility” from a constant property to one that can be toggled, it added “detector” as an ability, and added failure chance mechanics to detection.
All Games – Power generation/damage mechanics overhaul – Feature Complete
The engine support is done and the feature is being tested in War Star Empire. Deployment to other games is awaiting our results.
MF – Unit levels, Radiation Tower, and EMP Cannon – Mostly Done
The EMP cannon isn’t done, nor are the levels for the Curiosity, and the Opportunity Central Computer defender, but the Detonator, Phantom Detonator and Elevation Droid have up to L13, and the Radiation Tower is in game.
BFM – Elite Dragon – Done
The unit is in game and ready for the next event to bring it to life.
WSE – Dragon – Not Started
This is a small project and won’t take long once started.
TR & DV – Vault update – Done!
Both games got a massive boost to Hardware protection. Now there will always be enough for base defender repairs and a bit extra to allow a cheap new project or “seed funds” for an expensive one. No matter what, when you log back in you’ll have enough left to get back in the fight.
All Games – Stats display – Pending code review/testing
The impact effects code is done and undergoing testing. It displays the name of the effect, its strength, and its duration. A lot of unit special abilities will no longer be a mystery as a result.
All Games – Security Node Crafting update – In Progress
The code for refunding all of the old Security Nodes is in place. The crafting system for Security Nodes is about 70% complete. The armed TOC means the UI has to be reworked to allow for two craftable slots on the same building. The range indicator for the Security Nodes has not been started.
All Games – Mine and Ambush Crafting update – Not Started
When complete, Ambush Points will become craftable instead of purchased in the store and there will be scroll buttons so the number of Minefields isn’t hard-capped at 28. You’ll be able to trade in your old Strike Teams for an ONP refund, but the blueprints will still be used.
All Games – Consumable Ammo – Not Started
When complete, this will change the way certain weapons work. Players will not see anything right away, since it’s only one step in several towards the finished project.
Right now, there’s only one way to balance how often a player can use an ability is its cooldown stat. Most weapons have cooldowns of less than a second to a couple of seconds. Some abilities are powerful and shouldn’t be used more than once or twice in a fight. Long cooldowns can be easily “cheesed” by retreating and attacking again.
Instead of relying on cooldowns, we’re going to add the ability to require consumable ammo and items to certain powerful abilities. Examples would be the UH-60’s troop deployment (instead of having them commit suicide to launch the troop), the future Elite UH-60’s troop deployment, and the future Elite Sniper’s stealth ability. The ammo/item would be stored in an invisible equipment slot on the unit and would just appear as an ammo counter in the unit’s stats.
This would be an internal mechanic until the rest of the needed support structure is done.
All Games – Build/Research Time updates while building/tech is in progress – Not Started
When complete, this will check for updates to build and research times when you log in. We’ve planned some time requirement nerfs (mostly in certain buildings), but the current system only records when you started and how much time you needed when you started, so it doesn’t update if the time is reduced later.
We’re going to fix that. It will record the total time needed when you start, and check when you log in if this has changed. If it has, it will update the time remaining. This update function will check the times whenever you apply a build time boost item, and will adjust the time accordingly. Be warned, removing the boost will increase the time back to where it was (otherwise you could store multiple build time boosts and apply/remove them multiple times in order to get buildings instantly for free).
All Games – On-Shoot Event Triggers – Not Started
When started, this will add under the hood features. Right now, units and buildings can trigger an event based when they get damaged, when an enemy comes near, or when they get destroyed. This is used to spawn response and security teams. A mechanic needs to be added to allow events to trigger when a weapon or ability is triggered, so that the UH-60 and Elite UH-60 will be able to deploy their troops without committing suicide.
Sadly, projects seven and ten won’t make much difference to players in the coming quarter, since we’ll need to add the ammunition crafting and delivery mechanisms before they can be fully implemented. We’ll get there with time.
Stay up to date every day on what’s being developed on the dev-tracker channel here.
Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various recent community suggestions? Check out our “Voice of the Commander” trackers here:
Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!
Tired of returning from a break to find your lovely base in shambles, your army destroyed, and not enough hardware to get back on your feet? Those days are over. The Vault has been significantly expanded. The Vault at L7 through L24 can now hold more Hardware (see the chart below), and has had its capacity significantly increased at all levels. Each Vault level was carefully calibrated to ensure you can repair the most expensive army available at your TOC level.
Old Hardware Capacity
New Hardware Capacity
Level 16 Elite Stryker/Elite Gaz Tigr
The Level 16 Elite Stryker and Elite Gaz Tigr are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite Stryker and Elite Gaz Tigr will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
L16 Elite Stryker StatsL16 Elite Gaz Tigr Stats
Game Improvements
And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of the other “Voice of the Commander” centric game improvements we’ve made this week:
Mousewheel scrolling support has been added to multiple portions of the UI: Achievement Categories, Change Rank, Battle History, Battle Logs, Leader Training, Equipment Crafting, Relocate Base, Regional Map Bookmarks, Equipment selection for buildings and units, Clan info, Choose Clan Symbol, and Logistics Dispatch now all support wheel scrolling.
Map bookmarks, Achievements, and Player Settings now support “click and hold” scrolling. If you don’t have a mouse wheel, you can still enjoy the fast, smooth scrolling. Just click and hold!
The Map Bookmark scroll buttons have also been changed from “left/right” to “up/down” to provide for a much more smooth scrolling experience.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
We’re celebrating with a quality-of-life update based on your player feedback that’s intended to address a few of the issues and suggestions that you’ve brought forth to us via the “Voice of the Commander” trackers. Don’t see the update you were hoping for in this week’s release? Fear not, as there is still plenty more to come.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
FASCAM Shield/Repair Kit Updates
As first noted in the January 9th Patch Notes, FASCAM Shields and Repair Kits are no longer available in the store. The units that could previously equip these now get the same benefit from Ballistic Armor. If you have these outdated items, you can trade them in for a refund during this event. If you had the achievement and didn’t keep your outdated items, an automatic refund will be applied. Enjoy!
Health Bar Color Updates
Players across all Battlehouse games have been requesting more visual cues about the health of units and buildings, and this week we’re here to deliver. Health bar colors have been updated to the following scheme:
Buildings, units, and battalions with health at 0% to 10% will have a red health bar.
Buildings, units, and battalions with health at 10% to 50% will have an orange health bar.
Buildings, units, and battalions with health at 50% to 75% will have a yellow health bar.
Buildings, units, and battalions with health at 75% to 100% will have a green health bar.
More Game Improvements
The Elite AH-1Z can no longer fire its missile if it starts the battle with less than 10% health. This is the same mechanic that keeps the BMP-1 and Elite BMP-1 from deploying their troops when severely damaged. Keep your Cobras repaired, Commander!
The space requirements for the Elite AH-64 have been reduced from 140 to 130.
Base defender size limits have been increased.
Battalion size limits have been increased.
Army size limits have been increased.
Achievements for L5 Leaders are here!
Nine achievements have been added for the Security Nodes. This system will be going away in the near future and will be replaced with a new craftable system. We’re adding these achievements to recognize the players who used the original system.
Hot Fix: Some Security Team Leader descriptions referred to a non-existent “HZ-9” unit. This has been corrected to Harbin Z-9W.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite Machine Gunners will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
L15 -> L16 Elite Machine Gunner Stats
Bug Fixes
And that’s not all, Commanders! Here’s a recap of all the Bug Fixes from the past week:
The user interface was falsely reporting various conflicts with equipping leaders that are now resolved. This mostly came up with Turret Emplacements, since there are more turret leaders than most other types. To trigger it, you would have to have more than six leaders in your inventory, and at least one of those leaders would have to conflict with a leader already equipped in a turret.
Edison wasn’t giving proper research bonuses to the Leader Academy, and Savage wasn’t giving proper research penalties to the Leader Academy. Both TOC leaders are now doing their jobs properly for that building.
There was a bug that caused the trophy award icons to count towards the boost item limit which is now fixed. If you are unable to apply boosts in combat but able to apply them in your base, please refresh your browser.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.