Thunder Run is going cross-platform! And it all starts with the merger of our long separated Facebook Gaming and Kongregate Thunder Run game worlds. Effective today: “Thunder Run: War of Clans” on has been taken down from, and a new version of the game titled “Thunder Run: Global Warfare” is now live!
As a reminder: The new version will retire all Kongregate specific game maps, and merge all Kongregate players into the various regional maps that are available on the Facebook version of the game.
Please note that any browser bookmarks or shortcuts you currently have set for Thunder Run: War of Clans on Kongregate will need to be reset as a fresh version of the game (Thunder Run: Global Warfare) will be uploaded to (note: Facebook players are not affected by this update).
Rest assured, all base progress currently obtained in the current Kongregate Thunder Run: War of Clans game world will carry over to Thunder Run: Global Warfare after the re-launch is complete.
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the Undisputed Ruler of Gundar? Prove it against the world!
What’s next in the cross-platform project AKA “Project New Horizons”? Check out the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
We’re celebrating with a quality-of-life update based on your player feedback that’s intended to address a few of the issues and suggestions that you’ve brought forth to us via the “Voice of the Commander” trackers. Don’t see the update you were hoping for in this week’s release? Fear not, as there is still plenty more to come.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Kongregate re-launch date revelead
Thunder Run is going cross-platform! And it all starts with the merger of our long separated Facebook Gaming and Kongregate Thunder Run game worlds. Next Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 around 17:00 GMT, “Thunder Run: War of Clans” on will be taken off of, and a new version of the game titled “Thunder Run: Global Warfare” will go live.
As a reminder: The new version will retire all Kongregate specific game maps, and merge all Kongregate players into the various regional maps that are available on the Facebook version of the game.
Please note that any browser bookmarks or shortcuts you currently have set for Thunder Run: War of Clans on Kongregate will need to be reset after April 21st as a fresh version of the game (Thunder Run: Global Warfare) will be uploaded to (note: Facebook players are not affected by this update).
Rest assured, all base progress currently obtained in the current Kongregate Thunder Run: War of Clans game world will carry over to Thunder Run: Global Warfare after the re-launch is complete.
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the Undisputed Ruler of Gundar? Prove it against the world!
What’s next in the cross-platform project AKA “Project New Horizons”? Check out the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Limits on promotion orders have been removed
Players can now purchase up to 62 Promotion L4 to L5 tokens as long as they have the ONP. This is enough ONP to upgrade every leader to L5.
Elite NIMR’s moonwalking days are over
We’ve received reports of the Elite NIMR occasionally appearing to be firing or driving backwards in certain battle replays. For those who haven’t heard yet, this isn’t a lag/server issue, nor is this a result of players cheating. It was an animation issue, which should now be resolved via some minor tweaks that we made to the unit’s turning behavior. Going forward, it must turn so that it’s within 120 degrees of its target direction before starting to move. Beware that this will reduce it’s maneuverability a bit, but not by a lot since its turn speed is so high.
More Game Improvements
The TOC12 LRAD now has a visible projectile
The Upgrade Information bar that lists the benefits of an upgrade has had its scroll buttons fixed.
The Player Information Statistics tab now supports mouse-wheel scrolling
For games with more than three rows worth of PvP seasons, the text overlap problem has been fixed and scroll buttons have been added.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
This week we made a some highly desired “Voice of the Commander” centric updates to the game’s user interface:
Game Improvements
The TOC12 LRAD now has a visible projectile
The Upgrade Information bar that lists the benefits of an upgrade has had its scroll buttons fixed.
The Player Information Statistics tab now supports mouse-wheel scrolling
For games with more than three rows worth of PvP seasons, the text overlap problem has been fixed and scroll buttons have been added.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Firestrike “Voice of the Commander” Tracker. (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our “firestrike” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Starting Saturday April 18th at 8am GMT, until Monday April 20th at 8am GMT: enjoy an extra buffed global 15% boost on all earned ONP for a limited time!
And that’s not all, Commander! You also get a special “work-in-progress” Elite Javelin Gunner package containing one-time use experimental Elite Javelin Gunner units. The elite units are given during the Daily Login Rewards, and will be claimable for 36 hours. Once you have them, they will last until they are destroyed.
Be sure to try out the unit’s new “Riot Shield” mechanic that greatly boosts unit defense at the expense of killing the unit’s speed. Press the “E” key on your keyboard to activate the ability (note: it has a cool down and can only be activated once per battle).
What do you guys think of the Elite Javelin Gunner? Want to see us get it back into the development pipeline sooner than later? Let us know on Discord!
Watch Battlehouse Stream Team member Macgyver7th try out the Elite Javelin Gunner here:
Kongregate Re-launch Reminder
Thunder Run is going cross-platform! And it all starts with the merger of our long separated Facebook Gaming and Kongregate Thunder Run game worlds. Next Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 around 17:00 GMT, “Thunder Run: War of Clans” on will be taken off of, and a new version of the game titled “Thunder Run: Global Warfare” will go live.
As a reminder: The new version will retire all Kongregate specific game maps, and merge all Kongregate players into the various regional maps that are available on the Facebook version of the game.
Please note that any browser bookmarks or shortcuts you currently have set for Thunder Run: War of Clans on Kongregate will need to be reset after April 21st as a fresh version of the game (Thunder Run: Global Warfare) will be uploaded to (note: Facebook players are not affected by this update).
Rest assured, all base progress currently obtained in the current Kongregate Thunder Run: War of Clans game world will carry over to Thunder Run: Global Warfare after the re-launch is complete.
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the Undisputed Ruler of Gundar? Prove it against the world!
What’s next in the cross-platform project AKA “Project New Horizons”? Check out the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Would you like to see us do these types of weekend based boosts more often? What do you guys think about us doubling the bonus from 10 – 15%? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.
The Level 16 Elite M109 and Elite M1 Abrams are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite M109 and Elite M1 Abrams will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (tracker will receive some clean-up and updates to formatting in the very near future).
We have some exciting news, announcements, and more waiting for you on our most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Welcome to the 14th installment of the Battlehouse Dev Blog, a place where fans of all Battlehouse games can enjoy regular behind the scenes peaks into the minds of Battlehouse Developers.
We’re officially now in a new PvP Season, and while we didn’t make much progress on the Developers Roadmap this past season aside from delivering craftable Security Nodes, we have been working on a new large back-end project that we’re excited to finally talk a little bit about now in this Dev Blog entry.
The purpose of this new project which we’re internally calling “Project New Horizons” is to publish across multiple platforms to gain a lot more players, with a goal of gaining enough revenue to substantially increase our dev team size and release boatloads of new content. The first visible step of this project is the Kongregate re-launch that allows Facebook and Kongregate players to go head to head. Next steps include a downloadable client that will be published on several other platforms, like the Windows Store and Steam.
The downside to this project is it lowered the priority of a lot of front-end content. The Developer Roadmap still represents the front-end projects in the works, they’ve just slowed down a bit. After the Kongregate re-launch, expect at least one project on the roadmap to see some development cycles.
We’ve also been working on some projects that do their thing in the background. The PvP end of season tournaments had some timer entries that were wrong due to typos. To prevent this, we automated the process that times the announcements and leaderboards. The next season tournament should go without a hitch in July.
Our VPN detection software and reputation filter has been integrated with the game engine. This has been quietly in the works for a while. A consistent complaint about PvP is that certain bad elements will have an army of alt accounts on anti-alt maps and hide behind VPNs so that our alt-detection system won’t notice them. Starting after the next end-of-season PvP tournament (July 2-July 9), all anti-alt maps will become anti-VPN maps. Any player connected on a VPN will not be able to join an anti-alt map. If a player switches to a VPN while already on an anti-alt map, the player will be moved to a pro-alt map.
Now, we know that some of you have to use a VPN for one reason or another. Like our anti-alt policy, we will grant some exceptions to some players. We’ve started rolling out notices on the servers well in advance of the policy change, so if you start seeing messages warning you that you’re on a VPN, submit a ticket to our customer support team now by clicking the “Contact Support” link at the bottom of your game. If you meet the criteria, your account will be flagged as ignored by the automated processes that police the maps.
We are hoping that this will make the PvP tournament a more competitive and exciting event for players going forward.
That’s all for now. Keep up the good fight, Commanders!
Stay up to date every day on what’s being developed on the dev-tracker channel here.
Looking for an update on where the Dev Team currently stands regarding various community suggestions? Check out our “Voice of the Commander” trackers here:
Like what you see in this Dev Blog, or have suggestions on things you’d like to see addressed in our “Voice of the Commander” trackers? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server!
As COVID-19 is making its way across the world, our utmost concern is the health and safety of not only our employees, but also our valued players while we all traverse through this difficult time together. During this time, we urge everyone to follow all guidelines established by both federal and local authorities. If everyone does their part to help mitigate the crisis it will enable all of us to come out the other side of this much sooner.
In the meantime, to help ensure that our players have ample opportunities for entertainment while many of us will be spending more time at home in the coming weeks, we’re offering a “one purchase per player” 50%-off gold sale, and extra free daily combat and base repair kits – both of which can be activated any time throughout at least the next 4 weeks.
If you currently have a different sale offer running in-game, the 50%-off sale will start as soon as your current sale offer period ends.
The extra free daily repair kits will be claimable via the “Daily Login Reward” system. The repair kits will show as the new reward for the “Daily Login Reward” system, but the normal daily rewards will also appear when you go to place the kits in your Warehouse.
The home base repair kit has an expiration time of 18 hours, and the in-combat instant repair kit has an expiration of 30 minutes.
Also keep an eye out for Special Leader Upgrade Tokens that are available for purchase with Hardware this week only!
We hope this gesture makes an otherwise stressful time in everyone’s lives even the smallest bit better. More than that – we hope you all stay safe!
Level 16 Elite MSTA and Elite T90
The Level 16 Elite MSTA and Elite T90 are here.
As with the recent max unit level increases, your Level 16 Elite MSTA/T90s will feature improved stats and no increase in battalion space requirements. As with any improvement in power, there is an increase in cost, production time, and repair time.
The best part about it? No blueprints are required for upgrading. As long as you have TOC12 and the new building levels for your Academy and Barracks, you can upgrade away!
L15 -> L16 Elite MSTA Stats
L15 -> L16 Elite T-90 MBT
End-of-Season 17 Clan Tournament
From March 26th – April 2nd, 2020, rally your Clan and head to the regional map for your chance to be the strongest Clan of Season 17!
Be one of the Top Clans with the most Clan PvP Points to win between 3,000-10,000 Gold, divided evenly among the top 10 members of your clan.
Tournament ends on April 2nd, 2020 at 1700 GMT, at which point winners will be announced, prizes awarded, and leaderboards will be reset for the new season. It’s important to note that you should stay in the same Clan through the end of the tournament and for at least one hour afterward, until at least 1800 GMT to ensure your Clan’s prizes are scored correctly.
Season 18 Opens: April 2nd, 2020
The new season will begin immediately after the end of the tournament.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up next season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in last week’s edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker (new tracker coming soon).
KONGREGATE PLAYERS ONLY: Thunder Run is going cross-platform! And it all starts with the merger of our long separated Facebook Gaming and Kongregate Thunder Run game worlds. At the start of the new season on April 2nd, the Kongregate version of Thunder Run will undergo some brief downtime wherein the Thunder Run app at is going to be replaced with a new version. The new version will retire all Kongregate specific game maps, and merge all Kongregate players into the various regional maps that are available on the Facebook version of the game.
Please note that any browser bookmarks or shortcuts you currently have set for Thunder Run on Kongregate will need to be reset after April 2nd as a fresh version of the game will be uploaded to (note: Facebook players are not affected by this update).
Rest assured, all base progress currently obtained in the current Kongregate Thunder Run game world will carry over to the new version of Thunder Run after the downtime is over.
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the Undisputed Ruler of Gundar? Prove it against the world!
What’s next in the cross-platform project? You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out! Who knows? You might end up seeing a Thunder Run desktop client in the near future, and lots more.
Think you’ve got what it takes to prove you’re the Master of the Ruthless Event? Post a link to a Battle Replay of you fighting the last level in the Ruthless ONP Event as a comment on this post on our Thunder Run Facebook Page, no later than Friday, March 27th at 17:00 GMT to become eligible to win BIG prizes! đź’°
BEWARE: The difficulty on the final level for Warlord has been temporarily increased for the contest, and replays that contain the use of consumable range boosts will not be accepted (boosts provided by unit equipment is allowed).
The players who either destroy the entire base the fastest (in one attack), or receives the highest percentage of Base Damage in the first attack wave, will be declared the winners on March 27th, 2020.
NOTE: To post a Battle Replay link, click the “B” icon at the top of your game to open your “Battle Log”, click “View Log” next to the battle you want to share, followed by “View Replay”. Once the replay loads, click the “Get Link” button and paste the link as a comment on this post on our Thunder Run Facebook Page.
1st Place: 2,000 Gold, your choice of 200k ONP or Hardware, and your replay will be featured on our Battlehouse YouTube channel
2nd Place: 1,000 Gold, and your choice of 100k ONP or Hardware
3rd Place: 750 Gold, and your choice of 75k ONP or Hardware
4th – 10th: Your choice of 50k ONP or Hardware
If there is enough interest in this competition, and/or we receive a lot more total submissions than 10, we will consider breaking down additional prize tiers based on attacker TOC level.
Want to see a teaser of a work-in-progress Elite Javelin Gunner unit that we’re considering potentially bringing to Thunder Run down the road? Come watch Battlehouse Streaming Partner Macgyver7th show off some disposable versions of the unit and share his feedback. We want to hear your feedback too! Is the Elite Javelin Gunner a Unit you’d like to see us add to the game sooner than later?Let us know in the Livestream comments!
Livestream Details
Livestream will be accessible via Macgyver7th’s FB Gaming and YouTube channels.
Battlehouse Community Manager Commander Cameron will be active in the comments of Macgyver7th’s Livestream to answer player questions and take player feedback. Come let us know what you think about the new coming soon unit!