New this week in Battlefront Mars:
Central Computer Level 10
Attention, Commanders!
Get ready to celebrate on Mars with this week’s update! Effective today:
The Central Computer level cap is raised to Level 11, paving the way for new maximum levels for your production, storage, and research buildings!
And that’s not all, Commander! Our engineers have been hard at work in not only our offensive missile capabilities, but have beefed up our defenses as well! Below are our most recently-available upgrades.
Missile upgrades
- Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 21
- Shockwave Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 20
- Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level 19
- Stiletto Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 18
- Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 17
- Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 16
- Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 15
- Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 14
Defensive upgrades
- Turret Platform level cap increased to Level 16
- LRAT Cannon level cap increased to Level 18
- EMP Cannon level cap increased to Level 18
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Good hunting, Martians!