New this week in Thunder Run:

Craftable Missiles
Hey, Commanders! Ever get tired of stealing missiles from the bad guys? Don’t you wish you had a way to produce your own? Well, now you do!
Our engineers have made some breakthroughs and we now have the ability to research, produce, and launch our very own missiles!
To begin, research any missile from the Weapons Lab. This will unlock the Missile Silo, which you can construct from your Buildings>Production menu. From there, you may research any other missiles you wish to use, and craft them under the “Produce” tab.

Once crafted, you can use them in battle!
Upgrade your Missile Silo for more missile capacity, or upgrade your missiles for more damage and AoE. Note that some higher level missiles may require blueprints purchased from the ONP store to upgrade.
And that’s not all, Commander! For the last week or so, our enemies have installed some sort of mechanism on their missiles that makes them unusable 24 hours after we have stolen them. Our engineers have cracked it, and now any non-crafted missile prizes will no longer have a 24-hour timer.
Speaking of our engineers, they’re also hard at work coming up with new missiles. In the future, we may see mine-busters, ambush/mine-detectors, or even missiles that can break us out of a siege!
Until then, rain hell upon your enemies, Commander!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Thunder Run Voice of the Commander Tracker.
We have some exciting news, announcements, and more waiting for you on our most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over on our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!