We have reviewed AI battle data, and have made some tweaks to the missile defenses of AI bases.
Our intent has always been for players to use a combination of missiles and units to conquer AI bases; not to spam missiles and win, and not to have missiles be useless. Recently, the latter appears more true.
The strongest AI missile defenses will now have 24% chance to shoot down a missile (down from 48%). More importantly, the number of buildings with missile defenses will be reduced to 1/4 of the turrets on CC levels 1-5, and 1/3 of turrets on CC levels 6-12.
Shockwave Missile upgrades
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our ShockwaveMissiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The Shockwave Missile level cap has been increased to Level 14!
L14 Shockwave Missile Stats and Requirements
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
We have reviewed AI battle data, and have made some tweaks to the missile defenses of AI bases.
Our intent has always been for players to use a combination of missiles and units to conquer AI bases; not to spam missiles and win, and not to have missiles be useless. Recently, the latter appears more true.
The strongest AI missile defenses will now have 24% chance to shoot down a missile (down from 48%). More importantly, the number of buildings with missile defenses will be reduced to 1/4 of the turrets on CC levels 1-5, and 1/3 of turrets on CC levels 6-12.
Shockwave Missile and Shockwave Missile Volley upgrades
Attention, Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our ShockwaveMissiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The ShockwaveMissile level cap has been increased to Level 14, and the ShockwaveMissile Volley level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L14 Shockwave Missile Stats and RequirementsL14 Shockwave MIRV Stats and Requirements
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Attention, Commanders! Our spies have reported that our enemies have not taken kindly to their Hardware Depots being constantly sniped, and they have developed a countermeasure that allows their Hardware Depots to be impervious to attacks.
Fear not, Commander, for our intel suggests that these countermeasures are controlled within their Tactical Ops Center. Simply destroy their TOC, and their Hardware Depots become vulnerable again.
Starting June 10th, event bases will have their Hardware Depots “protected” until the TOC is destroyed. This is response to long-time feedback from players who pointed out that raiding Hardware and ignoring the TOC leads to the event base being left intact on the regional map, and thereby preventing new ones to spawn.
Security Node Bug Fix
A bug was discovered where Security Nodes only worked when players were defending against singleplayer defense missions. This has been fixed, and will now work everywhere. Expect fully-upgraded player bases to be much stronger in PvP fights soon.
Moar Hardware Rewards
The above two updates will no doubt come with additional challenges to event bases. Therefore, Hardware rewards on event bases have been increased by 25%. Challenge accepted, Commander?
EMP Missile and EMP Missile Volley upgrades
Attention, Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 14, and the EMP Missile Volley level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L14 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 EMP Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Attention, Commanders! Our spies have reported that our enemies have not taken kindly to their Hardware Depots being constantly sniped, and they have developed a countermeasure that allows their Hardware Depots to be impervious to attacks.
Fear not, Commander, for our intel suggests that these countermeasures are controlled within their Tactical Ops Center. Simply destroy their TOC, and their Hardware Depots become vulnerable again.
Starting June 10th, event bases will have their Hardware Depots “protected” until the TOC is destroyed. This is response to long-time feedback from players who pointed out that raiding Hardware and ignoring the TOC leads to the event base being left intact on the regional map, and thereby preventing new ones to spawn.
Security Node Bug Fix
A bug was discovered where Security Nodes only worked when players were defending against singleplayer defense missions. This has been fixed, and will now work everywhere. Expect fully-upgraded player bases to be much stronger in PvP fights soon.
Moar Hardware Rewards
The above two updates will no doubt come with additional challenges to event bases. Therefore, Hardware rewards on event bases have been increased by 25%. Challenge accepted, Commander?
Alt-Capping in Alt-Allowed maps
Two weeks ago, we have applied account limits to Maps 208 and 210.Starting June 10th, the rest of the maps will have a limit of 10 accounts. This affects maps 215, 222, and 228.
This is not the final account limit. We intend to decrease this at least once more, but do not want to make the changes instantly. Expect a limit reduction before July.
If you have any feedback about this and would like to make your voices heard, please head on over to our Discord server, and leave a reply referencing this message from Nirgal.
EMP Missile and EMP Missile Volley upgrades
Attention, Commanders! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 14, and the EMP Missile Volley level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L14 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 EMP Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Attention, Commanders! Our spies have reported that our enemies have not taken kindly to their PromethiumStorages being constantly sniped, and they have developed a countermeasure that allows their Promethium Storages to be impervious to attacks.
Fear not, Commander, for our intel suggests that these countermeasures are controlled within their Tactical Ops Center. Simply destroy their TOC, and their PromethiumStorages become vulnerable again.
Starting June 10th, event bases will have their Promethium Storages “protected” until the TOC is destroyed. This is response to long-time feedback from players who pointed out that raiding Promethium and ignoring the TOC leads to the event base being left intact on the regional map, and thereby preventing new ones to spawn.
Security Node Bug Fix
A bug was discovered where Security Nodes only worked when players were defending against singleplayer defense missions. This has been fixed, and will now work everywhere. Expect fully-upgraded player bases to be much stronger in PvP fights soon.
Moar Promethium Rewards
The above two updates will no doubt come with additional challenges to event bases. Therefore, Promethiumrewards on event bases have been increased by 25%. Challenge accepted, Commander?
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Attention, Commanders! Some of you may have noticed a little buff called the “Lone Warrior.” What is this, you may ask? Well, we acknowledged that a lot of you have slogged through the warzones alone for so long, and we believe you deserve a little bonus. Since last week, we’ve introduced, the “Lone Warrior” boost!
Commanders going it alone without alts have their unit space limit, unit repair speed, and battalion travel speed will have a small boost!
Alt-Capping in Alt-Allowed maps
Some maps in the game are being updated with account limits.
Highlands and Midlands are limited to one account each
Lowlands are limited to five accounts on the map at the same time
This means one player can only have up to 7 accounts in the whole game. Any junior account over this limit will be transferred to the non-map by the map policing system.
Junior vs senior is determined by the following criteria:
Money spent. More money = higher rank (we assume you prefer this account if you spend more money on it)
Creation date. Older account = higher rank (it’s senior) User ID number.
Lower ID number = higher rank (it’s senior)
Anyone with accounts over the limits can contact support if they prefer a junior account to a senior. We can ban any accounts you don’t want so you have room to move back to the map of your choice.
New “Missile Components” system
“Missile Components” are now available to loot from enemy bases and as prizes and will replace all old style missiles in the loot system. When you have a Missile Component in your warehouse, your Missile Silo crafts its next missile instantaneously and for no resources, consuming only the Missile Component in the process.
No more waiting required! Just pick the missile you want, click craft, and it’s slotted in.
Shockwave Missile upgrades
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our ShockwaveMissiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The Shockwave Missile level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L13 Shockwave Missile Stats and Requirements
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Attention, Martians! Some of you may have noticed a little buff called the “Lone Warrior.” What is this, you may ask? Well, we acknowledged that a lot of you have slogged through the warzones of Mars alone for so long, and we believe you deserve a little bonus. Since last week, we’ve introduced, the “Lone Warrior” boost!
Commanders going it alone without alts have their unit space limit, unit repair speed, and battalion travel speed will have a small boost!
Alt-Capping in Alt-Allowed maps
Some maps in the game are being updated with account limits.
Highlands and Midlands are limited to one account each
Lowlands are limited to five accounts on the map at the same time
This means one player can only have up to 7 accounts in the whole game. Any junior account over this limit will be transferred to the non-map by the map policing system.
Junior vs senior is determined by the following criteria:
Money spent. More money = higher rank (we assume you prefer this account if you spend more money on it)
Creation date. Older account = higher rank (it’s senior) User ID number.
Lower ID number = higher rank (it’s senior)
Anyone with accounts over the limits can contact support if they prefer a junior account to a senior. We can ban any accounts you don’t want so you have room to move back to the map of your choice.
New “Missile Components” system
“Missile Components” are now available to loot from enemy bases and as prizes and will replace all old style missiles in the loot system. When you have a Missile Component in your warehouse, your Missile Silo crafts its next missile instantaneously and for no resources, consuming only the Missile Component in the process.
No more waiting required! Just pick the missile you want, click craft, and it’s slotted in.
Shockwave Missile upgrades
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our ShockwaveMissiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The Shockwave Missile level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L13 Shockwave Missile Stats and Requirements
Game improvements
And that’s not all, Commander! You may have also noticed this already, but we’ve heard your feedback and you are now able to craft your missiles from Weapons Lab easier. Instead of scrolling through the “Weapons” category, there now is a separate category for your missiles.
Attention, Commanders! Some of you have slogged through the warzones of Gundar alone for so long, and we believe you deserve a little bonus. Introducing, the “Lone Warrior” boost!
Commanders going it alone without alts have their unit space limit, unit repair speed, and battalion travel speed will have a small boost!
Alt-Capping in Alt-Allowed maps
Some maps in the game are being updated with account limits.
Map 208 is limited to two accounts on the map at the same time
Map 210 is limited to five accounts on the map at the same time
For now, the remaining alt-permitted maps are not being limited. We are still inviting feedback on reasonable limits and are considering placing a limit of ten accounts on Map 215 for test purposes.
If you’d like to make your voices heard, please head on over to our Discord server, and leave a reply about this message from Nirgal.
EMP Missile upgrades
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L13 EMP Missile Statsand Requirements
Game improvements
And that’s not all, Commander! We’ve heard your feedback and you are now able to craft your missiles from Weapons Lab easier. Instead of scrolling through the “Weapons” category, there now is a separate category for your missiles.
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Missiles, and they can now have that little extra kick to them. The EMP Missile level cap has been increased to Level 13!
L13 EMP Missile Stats and Requirements
Game improvements
And that’s not all, Commander! We’ve heard your feedback and you are now able to craft your missiles from Weapons Lab easier. Instead of scrolling through the “Weapons” category, there now is a separate category for your missiles.
Attention, Martians! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our EMP Cannon, and they can now be made stronger than ever. The EMP Cannon level cap has been increased to Level 18!
L18 EMP Cannon Stats
Game improvements
And that’s not all, Commander! We’ve heard your feedback and you are now able to craft your missiles from Weapons Lab easier. Instead of scrolling through the “Weapons” category, there now is a separate category for your missiles.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.