Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 19
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 18
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 17
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 16
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L19 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL18 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL17 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL16 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL15 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 19
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 18
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 17
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 16
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L19 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL18 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL17 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL16 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL15 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 18
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 17
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 15
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L18 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL17 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL15 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 18
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 17
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 15
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L18 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL17 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL15 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Heads up, Martians! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 17
Shockwave Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 16
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level15
Stiletto Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 14
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 13
L17 Shockwave Missile Stats and RequirementsL16 Shockwave Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL15 Stiletto Missile Stats and RequirementsL14 Stiletto Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Jericho Missile Stats and Requirements
Shield Bug on Tournament Map Fixed
Thanks to community feedback, a bug has been identified where when a shield is used on a non-tournament map, it is retained after jumping to a tournament map. This has been fixed, and tournament map descriptions have now been updated to note this.
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 17
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level15
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 13
L17 Shockwave Missile Stats and RequirementsL15 Stiletto Missile Stats and Requirements
Shield Bug on Tournament Map Fixed
Thanks to community feedback, a bug has been identified where when a shield is used on a non-tournament map, it is retained after jumping to a tournament map. This has been fixed, and tournament map descriptions have now been updated to note this.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.