Our engineers have been hard at work in not only our offensive missile capabilities, but have beefed up our defenses as well! Below are our most recently-available upgrades.
Missile upgrades
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 21
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level19
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 17
Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 16
Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 15
Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 14
Defensive upgrades
Auto Cannon level cap increased to Level 20
Thunder Cannon level cap increased to Level 20
Devastator level cap increased to Level 20
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Get ready to celebrate on Mars with this week’s update! Effective today:
The Central Computer level cap is raised to Level 11, paving the way for new maximum levels for your production, storage, and research buildings!
And that’s not all, Commander! Our engineers have been hard at work in not only our offensive missile capabilities, but have beefed up our defenses as well! Below are our most recently-available upgrades.
Missile upgrades
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 21
Shockwave Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 20
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level19
Stiletto Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 18
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 17
Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 16
Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 15
Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 14
Defensive upgrades
Turret Platform level cap increased to Level 16
LRAT Cannon level cap increased to Level 18
EMP Cannon level cap increased to Level 18
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Scouts have caught sight of a new unit under Gruber’s command. Pilots and marksmen are usually their preferred company, and it’s been observed that they carry little to no firepower themselves. Optical gear, instead, has been glimpsed outside their tents. Trainers for these units among the ranks have also been distinguished. Target acquisition, our scouts have noticed, is the specialty of these trainers. Expect the unexpected during this round of Warlord event, Commander, while we attempt to further identify these new infantry units. Recruiting them over to our side may even be possible in the future; once they recognize we’re fighting for a good cause.
Missile Upgrades
And that’s not all, Commanders!
Our engineers keep having breakthroughs on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 21
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 20
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 19
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 18
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 17
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Incendiary Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
L21 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL20 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL19 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL18 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL17 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Incendiary Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Scouts have caught sight of a new unit under Lansana’s command. Pilots and marksmen are usually their preferred company, and it’s been observed that they carry little to no firepower themselves. Optical gear, instead, has been glimpsed outside their tents. Trainers for these units among the ranks have also been distinguished. Target acquisition, our scouts have noticed, is the specialty of these trainers. Expect the unexpected during this round of Nomad event, Commander, while we attempt to further identify these new infantry units. Recruiting them over to our side may even be possible in the future; once they recognize we’re fighting for a good cause.
Missile Upgrades
And that’s not all, Commanders!
Our engineers keep having breakthroughs on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 21
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 20
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 19
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 18
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 17
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Incendiary Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
L21 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL20 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL19 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL18 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL17 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Incendiary Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Commanders, we thank some of you who have given feedback regarding the number of AI bases in Valor March. Now, they have been set to always assume that the map is at 70% capacity unless it is already higher. This will make a lot more bases spawn when the population is low. So if loot is what you need, Valor March is for you! But beware your enemies!
Missile upgrades
Heads up, Commander! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 20
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level18
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 16
Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 15
Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 14
Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 13
L20 Shockwave Missile Stats and RequirementsL18 Stiletto Missile Stats and RequirementsL16 Jericho Missile Stats and RequirementsL15 Hoarfrost Missile Stats and RequirementsL14 Thunderbolt Missile Stats and RequirementsL13 Phoenix Missile Stats and Requirements
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “war-star-empire” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Commanders, we thank some of you who have given feedback regarding the number of AI bases in Valor March. Now, they have been set to always assume that the map is at 70% capacity unless it is already higher. This will make a lot more bases spawn when the population is low. So if loot is what you need, Valor March is for you! But beware your enemies!
Missile upgrades
Heads up, Martians! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
Shockwave Missile level cap increased to Level 20
Shockwave Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 19
Stiletto Missile level cap increased to Level18
Stiletto Missile Volley level cap increased to Level 17
Jericho Missile level cap increased to Level 16
Hoarfrost Missile level cap increased to Level 15
Thunderbolt Missile level cap increased to Level 14
Phoenix Missile level cap increased to Level 13
L20 Shockwave Missile Stats and RequirementsL19 Shockwave Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL18 Stiletto Missile Stats and RequirementsL17 Stiletto Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 Jericho Missile Stats and RequirementsL15 Hoarfrost Missile Stats and RequirementsL14 Thunderbolt Missile Stats and RequirementsL13 Phoenix Missile Stats and Requirements
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Commanders, we thank some of you who have given feedback regarding the number of AI bases in Valor March. Now, they have been set to always assume that the map is at 70% capacity unless it is already higher. This will make a lot more bases spawn when the population is low. So if loot is what you need, Thunder Dome is for you! But beware your enemies!
Missile Upgrades
Attention, Commanders!
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 20
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 19
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 18
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 17
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Incendiary Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L20 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL19 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL18 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL17 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL15 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Incendiary Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Commanders, we thank some of you who have given feedback regarding the number of AI bases in Valor March. Now, they have been set to always assume that the map is at 70% capacity unless it is already higher. This will make a lot more bases spawn when the population is low. So if loot is what you need, Valor March is for you! But beware your enemies!
Missile Upgrades
Attention, Commanders!
Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our missile technology, and some of them now deliver a little extra kick!
EMP Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 20
EMP Missile Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 19
High Explosive Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 18
High Explosive Volley level cap has ben increased to Level 17
CS Gas Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 16
Hellfire Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 15
Bunker Buster Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 14
Incendiary Missile level cap has ben increased to Level 13
L20 EMP Missile Stats and RequirementsL19 EMP Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL18 High Explosive Missile Stats and RequirementsL17 High Explosive Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL16 CS Gas Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL15 Hellfire Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL14 Bunker Buster Missile Volley Stats and RequirementsL13 Incendiary Missile Volley Stats and Requirements
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.