New this week in Days of Valor:
Weekend Warrior Bonus
Weekend Warriors Unite!
Due to the events bug that prevented players from earning ONP, the next Weekend Warrior event bonus will be doubled. Starting Saturday September 3rd at 8am GMT, until Monday September 5th at 8am GMT: enjoy 120% ONP on all event bases for a limited time!
Terms of Service Update
As per our Terms of Service Section 18, we may change our Terms of Service from time to time, and we are obligated to notify you of such changes.
So…. please be aware that our Terms of Service has been updated. We encourage everyone to review the changes. We reckon most of our players would be most interested on our new alt-account policy, but we hope you take the time to read everything. You can find it HERE.
New Elite Unit Skins Incoming!
New colors for selected Elite units are coming on September 15th! Here’s a sneak peak:

“Manufacture Units” toggle
We’ve added a small Quality-of-Life update on your Settings menu. The new “Manufacture Units” toggle allows you to split Normal and Elite units for training.

Enabling this will show only either Normal or Elite units for you to train. By default, only the normal units will be shown. By clicking the “Showing” label beneath the unit icons, the window will switch to only showing Elite units.

There are plans to make more units more viable in the future, and this is the one of the first steps to make things easier from a UI perspective.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “days-of-valor” channel within our Official Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!