New this week in Battlefront Mars:
LRAT Cannon Turret upgrades
Attention, Martians! Our engineers just had a breakthrough on our LRAT Cannon Turret, and they can now be made stronger than ever. The LRAT Cannon Turret level cap has been increased to Level 16!

For a sneak peak at what’s coming up this season in Battlehouse games, check out the Developer Roadmap in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Battlefront Mars Voice of the Commander Tracker.
Have new feedback to share? Let us know over in the “battlefront-mars” channel within our Thunder Run Discord Server.
Good hunting, Commanders!
BFM: LRAT Cannon Turret Upgrades – October 22nd Patch Notes