New this week in Mars Frontier:
Voice of the Martian Updates
Heads up, Martians! This week we’re bringing you a couple quality-of-life updates based on your player feedback from the “Voice of the Martian” Trackers. Don’t see the update you were hoping for in this week’s releases? Fear not, as there is still plenty more to come!
First up for this week, we made some changes to the “Auto-Resolve” system. For some time now, we’ve been observing some complaints regarding the use of certain auto-resolve strategies that were unfavorable to the defender with inaccurate unit power match-ups. As a result, auto-resolve capabilities have been changed so that it will now only work for small battalions, with 25% or less of their total space used. We will make more drastic changes to the auto-resolve system in the future, but for now this is a progress fix to ensure that auto-resolve battle scenarios are more fair for all players going going forward.
And that’s not all, Commanders! Second in our list our updates this week is the ability to mousewheel and/or click-and-hold scroll the Battle History window. No more clicking arrow to arrow for minutes on end while you try to find that old battle replay link from last week!
To see where the design team currently stands on various Community suggested features and game improvements, check out the Mars Frontier “Voice of the Martian” Tracker.
For a sneak peak at what’s coming up down the road, check out the “Developer Roadmap” in the most recent edition of the Battlehouse Dev Blog.
Have feedback to share about this week’s releases? Let us know over in the “mars-frontier” channel within our TR Discord Server.
Good hunting, Martians!